The fight is furious, made all the rowdier by the Alliance soldiers cheering them on. Wilkes gets a good hit in, knocking Revnan to the ground. With a growl, he grabs the nearest weapon, a medium-sized rock, and slams it into Wilkes’s head.

Wilkes rears back, and something flashes in the moonlight. Under the Odex’s skin is a mess of sparking cybernetics.

Revnan’s eyes widen in horror as he drops the rock. “What the fuck?”

Wilkes’s eyes meet his. And then he sways and falls.

The Alzohn sighs and draws his weapon, aiming it at Revnan. “I’ll give you the ten creds once we’re done here.”

Revnan is panting, his body tense like a coiled snake ready to strike.

The human, having patched up his cheek, returns and presses his blaster to my temple. “Not another move or your pretty girl’s brains will be splattered all over the ground.”

I force myself to keep my breathing steady and my eyes forward. Revnan is already moments from flying into a murderous rage that will get us all killed. If I show fear, I’m worried he’ll go berserk.

With his other hand, the human strokes my hair. It makes my skin crawl, and my shoulders go up to my ears. “You know, I was going to let her go. For a price, of course. But then she went and tried to tear my face off. So, instead, we’re going to make you watch as she suffers.”

And there’s the trigger. Anyone with common sense could have predicted what Revnan would do next, but this particular human seems to be lacking in that department. Revnan roars in outrage and charges, moving far too fast for the human to react.

Ignoring the shots from the soldier’s plasma rifle, he grabs the human by the neck, snaps it, and throws the body at the stunned Vakutan and Alzohn. Helping me to my feet, his gaze softens. “Are you okay?” he whispers.

I nod, and that murderous rage returns in Revnan’s eyes. With a kiss on my forehead, he turns to face the remaining two soldiers, who have recovered from the sudden attack on their fallen comrade.

The Alzohn fires upon him, but he grabs the dead human’s gun and fires back with better aim. The enemy takes a plasma bullet to the shoulder and falls. Then it’s just him and the Vakutan.

Instead of firing his gun, the Vakutan draws a knife from his belt with a sneer and lunges for Revnan. Dodging the blade, Revnan moves with surprising grace for his size even as the Vakutan herds him away from me.

Or is it really him doing the herding? Revnan backs into the human’s corpse and ducks, grabbing the knife, unsheathing it, and slicing it across the Vakutan’s belly in one swift motion. He staggers backward in shock, and the Alzohn, having recovered somewhat, leaps onto Revnan’s back.

He grabs the Alzohn and throws him to the ground. There is a flash of silver as the blade glints in the moonlight before being buried in the soldier’s chest.

Revnan pulls it free and slits the throat of the fallen Vakutan. At this point, it’s more of a mercy kill than anything else.

He tosses aside the blade, the fury and bloodlust gone from his eyes and replaced by a gentleness that seems only reserved for me. I run into his arms, and he catches me with a small grunt before lifting and twirling me.

“I think we’re going to make it this time,” he says.

A weak, raspy laugh interrupts our joy. Revnan gently sets me down and turns to the source. “What’s so funny, traitor?”

Wilkes weakly sits up. Blood still pours down his face, causing the cybernetics to spark. What did they do to him?

“You’re not going anywhere,” Wilkes says. “I called in an airstrike on our coordinates. They think they’re taking out an enemy camp, and I mean, technically, they are.”

Revnan grabs him by the collar and lifts him to his feet. “Why the fuck would you do that? You’re going to kill us all.”

He grins, revealing a bloody mouth full of broken teeth from their fight. “Yeah. But that’s fine as long as I get rid of her.”

A soft whirring sound from overhead grabs my attention. I look up to see a Coalition bomber hovering over us, and my heart sinks.

“Revnan!” I begin, but then the world erupts into burning agony.

“…ay… Ma… Maya…”

I come to slowly as someone calls my name. Everything hurts, and I know that I’m dying. Whatever isn’t burned or pierced by shrapnel is broken beyond hope of repair.

But Revnan is still there, and I don’t want to die alone. I don’t want him to die alone either.

“We were so close this time, weren’t we?” I croak, fighting back pained whimpers as I drag myself to him.