Maya opens her eyes and stretches. “Good morning,” she says when she sees me looking at her. She smiles, her hair all rumpled from sleep. Oh, for easier times when we could leisurely spend the day exploring one another.

It’s not long before we’re out on the road again. There is no traffic. The road is so badly damaged only the big earth movers could get through anyhow.

“No wonder the food supplies can’t get through,” Maya comments.

“And look at all the fields gone fallow as well,” I reply. “These lands haven’t seen a crop for a couple of years.”

A lone spy flyer comes up from the side, and I pull Maya down to the ground. “Keep still,” I tell her, hardly daring to breathe. “We do not want to get caught out here.”

The silent craft flies high overhead and disappears off into the distant horizon.

“Shit, that was too close,” I say, standing and brushing dirt from my pants.

“Do you think it saw us?” Maya asks, sounding a little scared.

“No, it would have stopped and checked us out if it had,” I tell her with more confidence than I feel. “I think Wilkes is close, though,” I add. “We’ve always had this strange bond. Like we know what the other one is doing, but not quite at the level of mind-reading.”

“Wow, that’s really cool,” she replies. “You must be very close.”

“Yes.” I smile. “We grew up together. We were inseparable when we were kids. We were always playing army. We’ve been fighting back to back since we were big enough to pick up sticks.”

“Hmm. I did only see him the one time, but I wouldn’t have guessed you were close. He seemed pretty angry,” Maya comments.

“He can be a bit of a dick sometimes, but he’s always had my back,” I say. “Come on, I think he’s this way. The rest of the unit should be with him.”

We trek off toward some abandoned farm buildings. The once-fertile fields that surround it are turned to dust and pockmarked with bomb craters.

The door to the house hangs askance, and we push our way in. “Are you sure he’s here?” Maya asks dubiously.

“Not certain, no. Even if he’s not, we need a rest and this is safer than the road.”

There is a noise from the living room. I pull out my laser gun. “Stay behind me,” I whisper.

I push the door open with my foot and point my gun straight at Wilkes, who is pointing his gun right back at me.

Wilkes’s face breaks into a smile as soon as he sees me. But then he glances over my shoulder at Maya. “What the fuck is she doing here?” he demands.

“She’s my fated mate, Wilkes,” I reply. “Chill out.” Although inside, I’m thinking the same thing. She should not be here. Why did I take her from her hometown into direct danger?

“Are you fucking crazy? We’re in a war, you idiot. Civilians shouldn’t just be roaming the countryside. I came out here looking for you, but I didn’t expect you to bring baggage!” The disgust in his voice is blatant.

“Hey, I’m not baggage!” Maya retorts. “He’s just told you we’re fated mates. Where Revnan goes, I go.”

“This is a military zone,” Wilkes says. “This is no place for some human chick. You’ll only slow us down.”

Okay, I have some misgivings myself about Maya being here, but Wilkes is being a complete dick about it.

“Calm down,” I tell him, trying to sound more confident than I feel. “Maya is coming, and that’s that. Now call in our location. Let’s get somewhere a bit safer.”

“Not a fucking chance,” he says. “I’m not being held responsible for bringing that back.” I see a darkness flash behind his eyes that I’ve never noticed before. Something about the moment reminds me of the dream I had last night. My blood runs cold.

I pull Maya aside. “Look, maybe he’s right. Maybe it’s better if you head back now. I hate the thought of you being in danger.”

“Let me stop you right there,” she replies hotly. “I’m staying with you. Whatever happens, we’re in this together.”

Suddenly, the living room window is shattered with a smash, then the kitchen window goes. The house starts filling up with smoke.

“Fuck, they’ve found us,” I say. “Wilkes, is there a back way out of here?”