Revnan is sitting up from his makeshift cot and is glaring at another soldier. My heart catches in my throat, and I duck back behind the bookcase.

For some reason, the sight of him makes me want to run. Something in my gut twists painfully, and I put my hand over it.

“I knew you were still alive! Everyone said I was crazy, but I could feel it inside me. Why haven’t you returned?” the stranger asks impatiently.

“I’m not exactly in a position to move,” Revnan growls.

“You look well enough now. Come on, let’s get you out of this shithole and back with the squad.”

“No.” The firmness in Revnan’s voice startles me a bit. “I’m not recovered enough yet to return. You know how our superiors get with anyone too weak to fight.”

“I also know how they deal with deserters.”

“Give me another few weeks to heal, and I’ll come and rejoin our team,” Revnan promises.

There’s a beat of silence before the stranger sighs. “Fine. But if you don’t show up soon, I can’t promise what will happen to you after that. You'll go from MIA to AWOL.”

“Fine. And Wilkes, tell no one about this.”

“Oh, please. Do you really think –”

“Wilkes.” His voice brooks no argument.

“Very well, you have my word.” And then the strange Odex storms past me, thankfully not noticing my presence.

When I’m sure he’s gone, I come out from behind the bookshelf and stare at Revnan. There’s a wariness on his face and he doesn’t seem surprised to see me. We share a look, and I can see the conflict brewing within him.

Another few weeks go by, and Revnan is all but healed.

“Are you planning on going back to your troop?” I ask as I pull out his stitches.

Revnan looks grim. “I should. I’d be considered a deserter if I didn't.”

I knew this would happen, and yet it still stings.

“But I don’t want to.”

My eyes snatch up to his. He’s looking at me with an intensity he’s never had before.

“I believe this is where I’m destined to be. That you are a part of that destiny.”

Hope ignites in me, but it’s abruptly cut short by his next words.

“But I also know that I can’t stay hidden here forever. And Wilkes will come after me if I don’t show.”

“So, what will you do?” I ask quietly.

He shakes his head. “I’ll worry about that when I’m closer to being fully healed.”

He and I both know he practically is, but neither of us is willing to point it out.



The room I’m in is small, crowded with old school furniture, and my current bed is no more than a pallet covered by a few old curtains. It’s not comfortable by any means, though it’s better than the desks, which were too small to sleep on without crashing to the floor. In any other circumstances, I would be itching to get out of here.

I know Wilkes is right. I know I should listen to his guidance. But to do so would be to walk away from my fated mate – and I know now for certain she is that. At first, I thought it was a delusion from blood loss, but now I'm certain of it.