Page 43 of The Mistress Deal

“Well stop giving me a reason too. I just want some respect from you. You said yourself that we’re past all this stuff with my brother. I’m here, by choice, giving you what you want. I gave up my life for this. It wouldn’t hurt for you to do something for me. It won’t mean that you have feelings for me, trust me,” I bit out.

Nathan shook his head in frustration. “I do respect you. I’ve cancelled the deal and I didn’t touch you until you were ready. And I have done plenty of things for you.” He smiled sheepishly. “I didn’t hear you complaining half-an-hour ago.”

I didn’t want to, but I couldn’t help but laugh at him. Damn him and that cheeky smile. “That’s not what I mean.”

“I know,” he sighed. “If you insist, my phone is by the bed. Go ring your brother. But I don’t want to see any tears or hear anything about how much you’re missing them or how much they need you around.”

I smiled, a little surprised that he gave in to me. “Thank you. See how easy things can be when you just give me what I want?”

Nathan shook his head again and pulled shut the shower door.

I grabbed Nathan’s phone and took it out onto the balcony. I dialled the number and waited for Liam to pick up. I was excited to hear his voice, I really did miss him. Liam updated me on all the latest news regarding Charlotte and the baby and told me they would both be going home the next day. I briefly told him everything I had seen on the island and then hung up feeling relaxed and happy, knowing everything back home was well.

I walked back into the suite and found Nathan sitting on the lounge typing on his laptop.

“Are you working?” I asked as I handed him back his phone.

“I’m only sending a few emails. I figure you broke the rules, so I could too,” Nathan shrugged one big shoulder. “Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?”

I smiled seductively, surprising myself. “I thought we could spend a carefree, commitment-free evening in our room tonight. With room service, of course.”

Nathan put his laptop down and reached up to pull me onto his lap. “Well, as long as it’s commitment free...”

Chapter thirteen

I woke the next morning completely wrapped up in Nathan’s arms. For once, I didn’t have to try and detangle myself before he woke up. Instead, I snuggled in closer, enjoying the feel of his warm body against my own. Nathan woke and kissed me lightly on the forehead then he wrapped his arms tighter around me.

“Morning darling. Did you sleep well?” Nathan asked, his voice still husky with sleep.

“I did. I was exhausted.”

Nathan smiled knowingly and nuzzled my cheek. “Me too, but it was well worth it. You’re well worth the lack of sleep.”

“What’s the plan for today? We should probably get out of bed,” I claimed, but I didn’t really care if we did or not.

Nathan leaned up on one elbow and looked down at me. “If that’s what you want. The day is yours, we can do whatever you want.”