Page 41 of The Mistress Deal

I woke the next morning and rolled over in bed to look at Nathan. He was lying on top of the sheets, still dressed in his clothes from the night before. I hadn’t even heard him come in.

“Morning sunshine,” I remarked cheerfully as Nathan slowly opened his eyes to look at me. I could tell straight away that he was very hungover. “Big night, hey?”

Nathan groaned. “I got talking to a bunch of American businessmen here on a conference. They say Aussie men can drink, these guys were crazy. I’ve got no idea how much we drank or what time I got back. I haven’t drunk like that since university.”

I couldn’t help but laugh as I got out of bed. I walked over to the curtains and threw them back, filling the room with sunlight.

“Ah, Rose... No.” Nathan protested, putting his pillow over his head.

“Come on, Nathan, we’ve got a tour to do.” I tried to look innocent, but I was enjoying myself. Nathan sat up in bed and groaned again, holding his head in his hands. “Go and have a shower and I’ll order you some breakfast.”

When Nathan came out of the bathroom twenty minutes later, I was already sitting at the table eating my breakfast. Nathan had washed and changed his clothes, but he hadn’t shaved, leaving a dark morning stubble to go with the dark rings around his eyes. My body instantly reacted to the handsome and dangerous looking Nathan. I stared at him from under my eyelashes as he walked towards me, hoping he couldn’t see just how much I wanted him. I was still a little embarrassed about how I had acted the day before after we had sex. I felt needy and clingy and I didn’t like feeling like that one bit. He was confusing all of my emotions.

“I ordered you some strong coffee and bacon and eggs. It’s a good hangover remedy.” I gestured to the food set out in front of me.

Nathan sat down beside me and took a large mouthful of his coffee. “That’s great, thank you.”

After we finished our breakfast, we went down to the lobby where a private limousine was waiting to take us on a tour of the island of Oahu.


NATHAN AND I ACTED like complete tourists the whole day. His hangover didn’t last long and he quickly began to enjoy himself. We took photos of everything and hung on to every word our tour guide had to say, absorbing all the information we could about the beautiful island.

I knew that Nathan had never been into holiday tours, he preferred to explore the places he travelled to on his own, but he surprised me by how much he was enjoying the day. Nathan was completely relaxed and hadn’t talked about work all day. We laughed, we joked. We had fun. There was no public displays of affection, because that wasn’t Nathan’s style, but there were moments where I thought he might. The argument he and I had the night before was a distant memory.

When we returned back to the hotel later that afternoon, we went down to the pool for a swim. I stood by the edge and dove softly into the water, swimming right over to Nathan, who was already sitting on a ledge in the pool watching my every move. I could see other women around the pool area watching him, admiring his good-looks, and I wanted to leave no questions as to who he was with. It may have been a purely sexual relationship but they didn’t know that. I was going to make sure that he was all mine.

Nathan surprised me by reaching out and pulling me close to him, and I let him without any complaint. He leaned down and kissed me softly with his beautiful, warm lips.

“I thought you weren’t big on public displays of affection,” I teased, enjoying every minute of it.

Nathan smiled. “I’m not, but you’re hard to resist, especially in that bikini.”

I looked into Nathan’s eyes. He was the one that was hard to resist. I’d realised over the course of the day that I was attracted to him and it wasn’t just about being with someone. I wanted him, I wanted more than sex, no doubt about it. But I began to wonder if I’d done the right thing yesterday. I knew it would have happened eventually, after all, that was the reason I was with him, I was supposed to be his mistress. But I wondered if I should have waited until I could convince him to want me for more than the sex.

Although, my real concern now was whether I was going to be able to shut off the feelings I had for Nathan and just be the carefree, non-commitment woman he wanted. Maybe I should just take whatever I could get from him now and hope that I could change his mind in the future?

I smiled slightly to myself, that’s exactly what I would do. I would become everything Nathan wanted in a woman and if I did it right, he would never be able to live without me. I decided it was going to be my mission over the next five days to break the man with the heart of steel and convince him that he did want commitment and love, with me.

“How about we go up to our room and you can show me exactly how irresistible I am,” I flirted, surprising myself with my boldness. I tried to run a finger down Nathan’s arm in what I hoped was a seductive gesture.

Nathan frowned slightly. “Are you sure? I’m not going through that whole commitment thing again.”

“Commitment free, I promise,” I whispered in his ear and then I trailed kisses lightly all the way down his neck.

“You’re not too sore from yesterday?”

I shook my head and my hand touched him briefly over his shorts. Nathan groaned quietly and practically dragged me out of the pool and back up to our suite. He couldn’t keep his hands off me in the lift, or his lips. We were just lucky that no one joined us on the ride up. I couldn’t remember ever wanting to be with someone like I wanted to be with him right now, my whole body was aching to be pressed against his hard, muscular chest.

When the bedroom door closed behind us, I instantly felt my nerves return. I had no idea what to do next. I tried to think back to some of the conversations I’d had with my co-workers about their weekend lovers, but my mind went blank.

“Relax, my darling,” whispered Nathan as he trailed kisses down my neck. “I’ll take it from here.”

I needn’t have worried about my inexperience because Nathan was clearly a man who took control on every occasion and I was more than happy to let him take control over this.

He picked me up and gently lay me down on the soft king-size bed, then he slowly removed all my clothes, taking his time, causing me to moan in delight. I could see he was enjoying every moment of our slow, leisurely foreplay. It was so different from our first time together, which had been frantic and intense, now it was slow and soft, both of us making each moment last as long as possible.

I felt myself calm as I relaxed into the soft bed and I enjoyed every kiss, touch, and movement. I refused to think about commitment and love, instead just concentrating on what was happening between us at that very moment and the pleasures running through my body.