I gave Nathan a reassuring smile and waved as he drove off down the driveway.
“Well Sam, it’s just you and me,” I smiled.
“Your driver awaits you.” He gestured with his hand and bowed dramatically.
I laughed and got in. Sam quickly walked around and got into the driver’s seat. He started the engine and drove me to a baby shop in the main part of the city.
Sam waited in the car as I went inside. I wandered around the shop amazed at how small some of the baby clothes were. I couldn’t believe I had a niece. I loved children and couldn’t wait to have my own. I wondered if Nathan would make a good father? I quickly chased the thoughts away, angry at myself for thinking of Nathan in that way.
I walked around and picked out baby-suits, socks, bibs, singlets, dresses, rattles, and stuffed animals, making sure I spent the whole two hundred dollars. I took them to the counter and the shop assistant packed them into a gift basket for me. After the assistant rang up the purchases and I’d handed over the money, Sam walked in to see if I had finished. He grabbed the basket and carried it out to the SUV for me.
Chapter ten
I walked into Charlotte’s room and found her propped up with a pillow and baby Erin asleep in her arms. It was such a beautiful sight, I felt a little teary-eyed. Charlotte looked up as I walked in and a big smile formed on her face.
“Rose, you’re back! I didn’t think I’d see you for a while. How are you?” Charlotte asked happily.
“Good. How are you? How is the baby?”
“She’s great. The doctors say we’re both strong and healthy. We can go home in a day.”
I sat down in a chair next to the bed. “Where is Liam?”
“He’s at the house making sure everything is perfect for when Erin goes home.” The smile dropped from Charlotte’s face. “When do you think you’ll go home?”
“Nathan said I can go home whenever I like, but Liam has to turn himself in to the police,” I sighed. “I don’t want Liam to go to jail, even though he deserves to. I’m not having such a bad time though, I have no bills, no responsibilities, I have a maid, a cook and a limousine and driver. Why would I want to go home?” I was trying to make light of my situation, and I hoped my smile didn’t look as forced as it felt. Charlotte didn’t need the stress, not today.
“Rosie, I’m so sorry,” Charlotte whispered, tears welling in her eyes.
“I’m fine, Char, really. Nathan isn’t as bad as he’s made out to be. He has a soft heart deep down and he’s been good to me. He hasn’t made me do anything I don’t want to do,” I raised an eyebrow slightly. Charlotte and I had always been close, she understood what I was saying and a look of relief washed over her face. “Anyway, let’s not talk about Nathan. I want to talk about this beautiful baby. I brought her a present.”
Charlotte and I oohed and ahhed over all the tiny clothes I had brought for baby Erin and we chatted casually for the rest of the hour, avoiding anything to do with Nathan or Liam. I knew Sam was standing in the hallway and could probably hear everything we said. However, not talking about them was exactly what I needed.
Sam knocked on the door and nervously told me that he was needed back at the house so he had to take me to the office now. I suspected that Nathan had called him and told Sam that it was time for me to go. I didn’t want Sam to get in any trouble so I said my good-byes and followed him out to the car.
When I pulled up out front of Nathan’s office building, I really didn’t know what I’d been expecting, but it wasn’t the thirty-odd story building that stood in front of me. The building was immaculate and it was surrounded by beautiful landscaped gardens. I wasn’t expecting something so big and grand. Sometimes I forgot just how rich and powerful Nathan was.