Page 16 of The Mistress Deal

Nathan shrugged. “I’ve made an appearance, that’s enough.” He stood up and pulled me softly to my feet. I hadn’t noticed until I looked up that a few people were looking at us with curious glances, or more so, at me.

Nathan said goodbye to people as we walked out, but none of them gave me much notice. Nathan held my hand firm in his as he led me into the lift, like he didn’t want me to have a chance to escape. I pulled my hand free of his as soon as the lift doors closed. It was causing feelings in me that I wasn’t clearheaded enough to deal with. Nathan turned and raised an eyebrow at me, but didn’t make a comment. I wondered if he was tired of arguing with me over every little thing.

Sam was waiting for us at the front door with the car. He drove us home, then said goodnight and retreated to his room. Leaving Nathan and I alone in the quiet house. Nathan asked me if I would like a coffee and I nodded, happy for the distraction. I followed him into the kitchen as he filled the kettle with water and switched it on. I started to get the mugs out, but Nathan shooed me away.

“Go and sit down, I can make them.”

“You know how to make your own coffee?”

Nathan laughed. “Yes Rose. Jane isn’t with me all the time.”

“Sorry, I just assumed...”

“You just assumed I was some rich, dumb guy that has been pampered all his life and can’t do anything without the help of his maid?”

“Well, aren’t you?” I asked. I wasn’t trying to be rude, just stating what I thought was a fact.

“Dumb?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at me. I could tell he wasn’t taking me too seriously. There was a teasing half-smile on his lips.

“No, pampered and rich?”

“I’ll admit that I have always been rich. I come from a very wealthy family. But I’m not pampered, Rose. I work damn hard. Having someone to cook and clean for me isn’t being pampered. I simply don’t have the time to do it myself.”

I smiled. “I wasn’t having a go at you, Nathan. I was just curious.”

Nathan placed a steaming hot cup in front of me and came around the breakfast bar to sit beside me. “Did you have a good time tonight?” he asked as he took a long sip of his coffee.

I left mine to cool a little. I couldn’t see how anyone could drink it that hot. “I would have gone anywhere to get out of this house.”

“Are you really that bored?”

“Yes, extremely.” I widened my eyes in emphasis. “Why can’t I go to work? It’s not like we’re together here all day. All you do is work.”

“Because I’m not sharing you,” he replied flatly.

“Because you’d have no control over me.”

Nathan smiled a cold, dark smile. “That’s right, angel. You are mine, whether you like it or not. I decide what you do, when you do it and how. That is what you agreed to.”

I sighed. I had agreed to give him my life but it didn’t mean I had to like it. “Well, can I come to work with you?”

Nathan looked thoughtful and then smiled. “Are you serious, Rose?”

I shrugged. “Sure, why not? I could help you.”

Nathan laughed a deep laugh. “Oh really? Help me? How?”

I noted the mocking tone in his voice and for tonight, I chose to ignore it. “I’m not stupid you know, I’ve worked in offices.”

“Alright, you can come to work with me,” Nathan said, surprising me. He really was full of surprises tonight. Although, I have no doubt he was just saying yes just so he could keep a closer eye on me.


“Really. But I do want something in return.”

I didn’t like the way he was looking at me. I felt my stomach begin to churn and I was lucky I was sitting down, because my legs turned to jelly.

“And what is that?” I asked lightly. I knew full well what he wanted and I really didn’t want him to say it.