Liu claps him on the back. “Don’t get too sentimental on me. I might get worried.”
“I’m fine.” Toby isn’t and Liu’s sharp look implies that he knows.
“Of course,” is all Liu says, though. “Now, I’m off to send good vibes in Mike’s general direction. Jesy will come and get you in a few minutes. Hang tight.”
“Like a sloth.” At Liu’s questioning glance, Toby elaborates. “Feet over head, clinging to a fragile branch with my bare toes.”
Liu gives him one of his wide, true smiles that never fail to take Toby by surprise. “It’ll be fine, Toby. I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.”
“Your positive attitude is messing with my emo,” Toby tells him.
“Glad to hear it.” With another grin, Liu opens the door and steps out into the corridor. Toby hears him exchange a few words with someone outside, voices fading as Liu departs. The ensuing quiet wraps Toby up like a thick, stifling blanket.
Fortunately, Liu wasn’t exaggerating when he said Jesy would be there soon. It’s some fifteen minutes later when she peers into the room, her serious expression shifting into a wide smile when she sees him. Yeah, Toby can sort of see the family resemblance.
“Toby, hey!” She enters, but leaves the door open. “Liu told me to take you to his office.”
“That’s just about the best thing I’ve heard all day.” Toby pushes himself to his feet, his balance slightly off, and fuck, it’s been a long day, a fucking endless day that started years ago, when they first got ready to break into Chan Teck Soon’s office. It’s been a whiplash change of highs and lows, insufficient naps on the flight, stolen touches while trying to avoid undue attention, and maybe Toby bent the truth a little when he said it might be the best thing he heard all day because Mike said—
Not thinking about all the ways their grand plan got sidetracked.
Jesy’s dimples deepen. “Would you like me to find you a coffee once I’ve dropped you off?”
“You.” Toby points at her. “You are by far the most beautiful person I have seen since those thugs dragged me off kicking and screaming at the airport.”
She gestures for him to join her. “They told me you came with minimum fuss, gentle as a dove.”
“More like a sacrificial lamb.” Toby meets her at the door, pleased to see that there is no one standing guard outside anymore. At least they give him enough credit to believe that he isn’t stupid enough to run. He wouldn’t get far with the entire Agency chasing after him.
Also, he isn’t about to leave Mike alone in this.
“A lamb? More like a black sheep, if you ask me.” Leading the way to the elevator, she nods at Toby’s dyed dark hair, part of the rushed change in appearances he and Mike executed before they drove to the airport in Singapore.
“Sheep or lamb, I am having a bad day. A monumentally bad day.” Toby sighs. “Is going home really too much to ask? I mean, is it? Because I think I deserve it. We deserve it.”
“Well.” Jesy looks back over her shoulder, an impish expression on her face. The elevator doors slide open just as she says, “I hope you did at least manage to join the Mile-High Club.”
Liu can’t keep his mouth shut when it comes to Jesy. Good to know.
“I am not answering that.” Toby walks past her with as much dignity as he can muster. “Also, you know nothing, young lady.”
“I take it that’s a no. You’d be in a far better mood otherwise.” Voice cheerful, Jesy presses the button for the thirteenth floor. They ride in silence for a few moments before she adds, softer, “And Toby, I’m glad you’re okay. It sucks that they’re making things difficult when you got the job done, and all Mike did was keep you alive.”
The numbers flash by on the small panel. Toby tries not to stare at his own tense face in the mirrored wall, skin tone rivaling that of a ghost. “Guess a public shooting wasn’t part of the plan.”
“They tried to keep Liu away from Mike’s interrogation by authorizing him to access the live stream,” Jesy says, apropos of nothing. “But of course he’s there in person.”
“Good. I’m grateful.”
“You should be.” There’s a strange weight to it, like she’s trying to make a point. Toby squints at her.
“Okay, what am I missing?”
“Mike?” she suggests, with a grin.
“Cheap shot, babe.”