"It's too early for names."

I stretch my neck to one side, giving my husband more room for the kisses he's trailing down the side of my throat.

"Don says he's getting a little sister first," Cane murmurs into the crook of my neck, right before he pulls my pajama top aside to start down my shoulder. "I'm thinking Sunny."

He's been like this since we found out.

Cane knew before I did, but I think he'd been paying extra close attention because he's so determined not to miss a minute of our next baby's life.

With Donner's blessing-- or more like, at his insistence-- we got married as quickly as possible, in a very small courthouse ceremony down in Slow River with a simple family dinner afterward.

My parents flew out from Illinois for the wedding, after I was sure that my dad finally understood that Cane hadn't actually kicked me out and refused to acknowledge our son for all those years. Now they're the best of buddies and my family is delighted at the way things have worked out.

We'd only been married for a week or two before we were inundated with requested from both sides of the family to start working on more grand-children. A request that both Cane and I were all too happy to oblige.

Cane brought home a shopping bag of home pregnancy tests for me the day he noticed I poured most of my morning coffee down the drain. It just hadn't tasted right and it made me feel a little sick.

He was convinced I was pregnant-- the only reasonable explanation in his mind for me eschewing coffee.

Of course, he was right.

I'm not even out of the first trimester, but this one is already different than Donner was. Or maybe I'm just getting to enjoy the experience this time around because I have a handsome, supportive, husband at my side, spoiling me rotten by catering to my every whim.

We're both trying to concentrate on enjoying getting to share this experience together, not dwelling on what we missed the first time.

Suddenly my feet lose contact with the kitchen floor as Cane sweeps me up in his arms and carries me toward the bedroom.

"You know, we could stay out here today," I remind him. "We have the house all to ourselves."

"I like the way you think, wife." Cane does a one-eighty, depositing me on the sofa and starting the fireplace. He spreads a blanket on the floor and slowly crawls between my knees.

My pajamas are unceremoniously deposited on the floor and Cane pulls my hips roughly to the edge of the cushions so he can bury his head between my legs.

When he's left me boneless and panting, I'm sprawled on the leather sofa, glad that it's easy to clean, catching my breath while plotting to knock him down and climb on top of him.

Cane's big hand splays wide over my belly and he looks up at me with a look I can only describe as awe.

"When?" He asks, kissing up my inner thigh and then moving his hand so he can kiss my stomach too. "When will you start showing?"

"It wasn't until the end of six months with Don."

It's cute how disappointed his looks. Six months is still a long way off for this one.

"But I've heard a lot of women say they show much earlier with the second baby."

That news has him grinning.

"You are ready for the second trimester, right baby?" I pull myself to sitting and then slide onto the floor with him, pushing him back and yanking off his pajama pants.

"I'm ready for all of it, Junie," he laughs, letting me undress him and lying back to give me full access to his thick cock as I work my hand down his hardened length and run my tongue across the tip.

"You sure? Because you're going to have your work cut out for you for the next few months."

Cane's hands grip my thighs, guiding me down as I take him inside me. The feel of his girth splitting me open and filling me so completely always takes my breath away but our playful conversation is forgotten quickly when he's seated fully inside me and I begin to move.

Soon, my movements are more frantic and Cane's hands are tighter in my flesh as he keeps my rhythm until I'm coming hard and loud again.

Then I'm on my hands and knees, Cane's fist wrapped in my long hair as he enters me from behind. My knees widen, I go down on my elbows and take his powerful thrusts till this time we're falling over the edge together.