"I think you can ask her as soon as the stegosaurus is done," I report back to Donner as I flip the pancake in question.

"That's supposed to be a stegosaurus?"

The kid seems skeptical.

"You gotta use your imagination," I explain, "the chocolate chips throw the effect off, makes 'em look like they have chicken pox."

Don bursts into giggles and only laughs louder when I point out general outline of the dinosaur to be found in the pancake's vague shape.

Junie reaches for the coffee pot and refills her coffee mug.

"Okay, ask her about horseback riding now," I fake-whisper out of the side of my mouth to Donner.

"Mom, can we--"

"Yes, if Cane is okay with it, then we can go horseback riding today."

I hold up my fist and wait for his tiny fist to meet mine knuckle to knuckle. Donner's wide grin has my chest feeling tight.

This is harder than I want it to be.

I hate pretending like I'm just a friend of Junie's. A nice guy who wants to be cool, make pancakes and take him horseback riding. I want to be Donner's dad and I have no idea how long that's going to take.

I slide a golden-brown pterodactyl onto the stack of pancake blobs and ladle out batter in the shape of a velociraptor.

Maybe she sees the tic in my jaw, or maybe she still knows me all too well, but Junie slides her fingers down my arm, stopping shy of taking my hand and giving us something we'll have to explain to Donner.

"Do you want the T-Rex, or the Loch Ness Monster?" June asks Donner as she moves him back to the bar counter where I've set out plates, and silverware beside the butter and syrup.

"I don't think it's supposed to the be Lock Ness Monster," I hear Donner correct her.

Junie's obviously never seen a brontosaurus before.

* * *

June-bug has been smiling almost as much as Donner all day. Well-- once we got a second cup of coffee in her. Some things will never change.

"Did he wake up at all?" She asks, as I return from the guest bedroom.

"Didn't even move when I put him down," I answer, settling into the space beside her and pulling her into my lap.

We did get up to the camp and take a couple of the horses out after breakfast. Donner rode with me and I showed him how to maneuver the reins to tell the horse which way to go. Junie rode one of the mares and needed almost as much guidance on how to ride but the horses are used to inexperienced riders so it was an easy afternoon on the trails.

When we got home, I grilled burgers on the deck while family blew my phone up.

I gotta hand it to my kid brother, he's been pulling double duty for the last forty-eight hours, keeping Gran and Mom at bay; reminding them that they aren't the only ones who just found out Donner exists.

Don crashed right at the table. Set his burger down, half-eaten, took a big gulp of milk, laid his head down and he was out just like that.

I carried him back to the guest room once we figured he wasn't going to catch a second wind.

Now it's just Junie and me, cuddled on the sofa in the big living room, enjoying our first real chance all day to enjoy each other without having to explain ourselves.

"I was surprised I didn't find you in the kitchen already making breakfast this morning," June leans into me, letting me wrap my arms around her while she snuggles against my chest.

"I was making phone calls, waiting for you guys to get up." I move her hair aside so I can kiss the back of her neck.

"At seven in the morning?"