Zephyr says "date" and doesn't wait for a reaction before the line goes dead.

If she was only trying to get a rise out me, she'd have waited before hanging up so she could head my pained inhale. She would have heard my protests. She would have given me a chance to tell her how wrong she is about my reasons for turning her away... She wouldn't have me following her like a stalker as she leaves her apartment with a boy who doesn't even have the good manners to hold her door open for her as she climbs into the passenger side of his bright yellow muscle car.

It's easy to keep them in sight as I follow them to one of the steak houses in town.

Slow River is a ranching town, bigger than Moonshine Ridge but small enough that most of the businesses are still local independents.

The yellow car pulls into a space in front of the Branding Iron; a western-themed place with wagon wheels planted with the azaleas around the exterior of the building.

I'd been on my way down the mountain when I called the flower shop that Zephyr works at. Her brother had told me she'd come back down to her place in the valley early. That's why he'd been at her house today, taking care of plants that Zephyr had left instructions for.

By the time I reached the florist, she was pulling out of the parking lot-- despite there being another hour before the listed business hours said they closed. If I'd been any later, I'd have been left sitting there, desperately trying to convince her to answer her phone.

As it is, I was able to follow her to her apartment building, but couldn't see which unit she went to. Leaving me waiting across the street, dialing her number repeatedly as my calls went straight to voicemail again and again, until the yellow car pulled up to the building and my fiore emerged from beyond the gate in a dress that would have had me rushing to toss her over my shoulder if I had been able to catch my breath before her date whisked her away.

Sitting in my own vehicle, several rows from where they might notice me, I know I'm fooling myself if I think there's any reason for me to still be here other than the jealousy raging through my veins.

The boy still doesn't open the door for his date. He stands near the tail lights and waits for her to join him.

He seems impatient for her to hurry, but the scene unfolds in my eyes in slow motion. First, one silver high heel meets the ground, then a second, as Zephyr turns sideways in the seat to pull herself from the interior.

Since this boy obviously learned his manners from the livestock in the pastures of the Slow River Valley ranches, he doesn't offer her a hand to help her as she stands.

Her hand grips the side of the car for balance and then she's in full sight of me. Those golden tresses falling in waves down her back, the emerald green dress hugging her body like paint, showing curves that have memories of her spread and panting on my table burning in my mind.

She closes the door herself and when she arrives beside him, he takes off walking ahead of her, making no effort to wait for her smaller steps in the sexy high heels that slow her pace, but make the view of shapely legs all the way up to the high hem clinging to her thighs well worth the wait.

This boy is an idiot. He hasn't taken notice of her yet. He's barely even glanced at the goddess accompanying him this evening.

I'm prepared to accept my punishment for being so stupid as to think I could resist the draw I feel toward Zephyr. I have the key in the ignition, ready to return to my lonely mountain refuge knowing I blew my last chance with fiore, when I see her date finally hold a door open for her-- I'm out of the car and sprinting toward the restaurant with murder on my mind.



Brian stands at the door of the steakhouse, waiting for me to move through the door he's holding open.

So far, the date's been pretty casual; he texted when he got to my place, he hasn't made much of a show of gallantry, but I guess that's not really a big deal. I'm a big girl, I can open a car door on my own.

"Ouch!" The pinch is unexpected as I walk past Brian through the door. So unexpected that I don't know how to react.

For one thing, it fucking hurt. My hand involuntarily covers the stinging spot on my backside where I'm sure a bruise is forming. Brian grins at me when I face him in shock.

"That hurt," I inform him coldly.

He just shrugs. "Ass like that's beggin' for it," he answers nonchalantly. "Let's go eat."

Inside, I hold back while Brian gives our name to the hostess.

"I'll meet you at the table," I tell him, pointing in the direction of the ladies' room to let him know where I'm headed.

"'K, see ya in a few." Brian shrugs and follows the hostess into the dining area.

In the restroom, I check the spot that still smarts from Brian's pinch. It's not showing any marks yet, but I have a feeling it'll be purple by the morning.

Washing my hands, I give the girl in the mirror a serious look. It's not like I wasn't expecting him to touch me. Or even like I didn't go into tonight with the full intention of letting him.

It's just that-- I'm not really having fun. Brian does nothing for me and the ass grab didn't feel sexy, it felt gross. Tonight is obviously not going to be the beginning of anything.