Page 119 of The Boss

“And if I say no?” I arched an eyebrow at him.

“Spanking and denied orgasms for weeks, good girl. Weeks.”

“You wouldn’t,” I said.

“You know me better than that, Ms. Gates,” he said.

I burst out laughing, and Deacon grinned at me before gathering me close. “Move in with me, good girl. I want you in my arms every night.”

“Yes,” I said. “I want that too.”

“Good.” He kissed me. “The year end will be finished on Monday, and assuming Richard and Aiden agree to promote Richard to CFO, I’ll be done at the office by the end of the week.”

“If you prefer, I can wait to move in with you until after you’re finished at the office,” I said. “I understand it could be awkward if the others find out we’re dating.”

“No,” he said, “I’m not worried about that. But we should speak to Aiden about giving you a few days off. We’ll fly to California so you can see your mom, and we’ll discuss what your parents need for a monthly budget and set up a bank account for them.”

I hesitated, and Deacon shook his head. “No, baby, no second thoughts. Filthy rich, remember? Helping your parents until they’re back on their feet is a drop in the bucket for me. I promise.”

I took a deep breath. “Okay. Thank you, Deacon.”

“You’re welcome.” He kissed me again, his lips warm and perfect against mine. “Let’s go home, good girl.”



“Nervous?” I asked, squeezing Riley’s hand.

“More excited,” she said with a smile. “I can’t wait to see the look on my parents’ faces when they see me.”

Her perfect body was tucked against mine in the backseat of the town car, and she rested her head on my shoulder as she stared out the window at the California landscape.

On Sunday afternoon, while Riley napped in my bed, I’d called Aiden at home. Breaking the news to him at the office that I’d fallen in love with Riley seemed unprofessional. He was surprised but supportive and refrained from questioning the quickness of our relationship. I wondered inwardly if Lina hadn’t been in his ear about Riley and me, but ultimately, I didn’t care.

I’d briefly explained the situation with Riley and her parents. Aiden had agreed to give her some time off but also insisted we not wait until the following week, urging me to leave for California as soon as the year end was finished. I’d booked our flights for Wednesday and loved the surprise and happiness on Riley’s face when she joined me downstairs after her nap and I told her about my conversation with Aiden.

Riley rubbed my thigh. “You never did tell me how your conversation with Richard went this morning.”

“It went well,” I said. “He’s agreed to the promotion, and once we’re back from California, I’ll take another week to help him settle into his new role.”

“That’s great,” Riley said. “He’ll make a fantastic CFO.”

“I think so, too,” I said. He was initially skeptical, but Aiden firing Rainer and Richard having to step up even with me at the office gave him the confidence he needed to realize he could do the job.”

“Good for him,” Riley said. “I’m looking forward to working with him.”

“You’ll be a good team,” I said, kissing the top of her head before inhaling the sweet scent of her shampoo.

She sat up, her curvy body tensing a little. “We’re almost to their house. God, I hope they’re surprised to see me.”

“How could they not be?” I laughed. “You didn’t say a word about flying here when you spoke to them on Sunday.”

“I’m so glad Mom is home from the hospital,” Riley said. “I texted Dad this morning, and he said she’s tired but doing well. She’s spending most of her time sleeping, but he said her infection has cleared up and that her next chemo appointment will still happen.”

“Will she need radiation as well?” I asked.

Riley smoothed her hands across her thighs. “I’m not sure. The doctor originally told them that he was confident the cancer was confined to her uterus, and the hysterectomy would remove it without the need for chemo, but I guess they were wrong.”