Page 104 of The Boss


I pulled on my boots and took another sip of coffee. My stomach grumbled with hunger, but I ignored it and dumped the rest of my coffee down the sink before sticking the mug in the dishwasher.

It was snowing again, and I needed to leave in the next two minutes to make it to work on time. I glanced out the window, anxiety biting at my stomach. Driving to and from Deacon’s tonight would be terrible if it didn't stop snowing. Not that it would stop me. It had only been two nights, but I missed him and didn’t care if there was a blizzard. Nothing would prevent me from being in his arms tonight.

My phone rang, and I grabbed it out of my purse. That familiar fear gripped me when I saw my father’s number.

“Hi, Dad. Everything okay?”

“Not really. Your mom is in the hospital.”

“Oh God.” My legs turned to jelly, and I staggered to the couch, falling onto it with a heavy thump. “What happened?”

“She’s having some chest pains. The doctors are worried, and so am I.”

“Oh, Dad,” I said, fighting not to cry. “She’ll be okay. She’s tough.”

“She is.” He cleared his throat roughly. “I’ve quit my job. She’s so scared, and she wants me with her at the hospital. I know you’ve stopped sending us extra money, but we need it more than ever now.”

Shock washed over me. “You quit your job? They wouldn’t give you a few days off?”

“No, Riley, they wouldn’t.” Anger tinged his voice. “Do you think I should be working when your mother is alone and frightened in the hospital?”

“No,” I said. “That isn’t what I’m saying.”

He sighed. “Look, I made the right decision. Your mom is terrified and needs my support, and it’s not like you’re here in California to help us.”

“I know,” I said as familiar guilt rolled over me. “I’m glad she has you, Dad.”

“Can you send us some extra?” he asked.

“I can send it tomorrow,” I said. “I have a shift with my, um, second job tonight.”

“Your usual amount?”

“Yes. I’ll Venmo it to you first thing on Saturday.”

He hesitated, and I said, “What? What’s wrong?”

“That might not be enough now that I’m not working. Could you ask for an advance on your paycheque from those accountants you work for?”

“Financial advisors,” I said. “I work for a financial advising company.”

“Right, right,” he said. “Can you ask them for an advance?”

“Not really,” I said uneasily. “If I give you my paycheque, I won’t have enough to pay my rent.”

There was silence on the other end, and he said, “Okay, so what about your 401k? You’ve got plenty in there, right? You could take some from it.”

“I mean, I have some, but that’s for the future and -”

“Oh, right, of course, you have to worry about your future, Riley. Never mind that your mother and I are fighting to keep her alive so she can have a future.”

I swiped at the hot tears sliding down my cheeks. “Okay, I’ll look into it, but I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to pull anything from it in the next few days. But, I can, um…”

I thought quickly. I could ask Deacon if he would book an overnight play session with me tonight. He’d offered to do it before, so I was sure he’d be okay with it. I’d take a few days off - Deacon barely needed me right now since they were so busy with year end - and I’d use some of the money I earned Friday night for a cheap flight to California. I could look after Mom while Dad worked.

“Riley? Are you still there?”