Page 23 of Code Violation

“You should. It could’ve been kids, but I haven’t heard Lani complaining about anything like that recently.”

“I suppose. It just seems silly since nothing was taken.”

They fell into silence. He didn’t know what Vik was thinking about, but Forrest was imagining Vik spread out underneath him. Or over him. Forrest wasn’t terribly picky. His stupid cock enjoyed those images.

“Was your stuff not safe before?” he asked, trying to stop himself from just jumping Vik now.

Vik waggled his head, and Forrest was distracted with wondering what those curls would feel like against his skin. “I was living out of my car for a bit after I arrived here. Poor planning on my part, really. I tend to make spur-of-the-moment decisions.”

“Where’d you drive from?” Forrest asked, instead of just how spur of the moment? His cock did not like the question Forrest ended up choosing.

“Indiana. Left the ex-boyfriend and haven’t looked back.”

Forrest’s damn cock twitched again. Ex-boyfriend meant that Vik might be open to some commitment-free sex. He tossed back the rest of his whisky like it was water. He could work with this.

“Another?” Vik’s eyes glittered.

“Yeah, sure. Thanks.”

His reluctant host finished his drink, rose to his feet, and sauntered into the kitchen. Forrest couldn’t take his eyes off Vik’s butt, the worn denim leaving little to his imagination. The only thing better would be his naked ass.

Glancing up, Forrest caught Vik looking over his shoulder at him. Busted.

“Here you go,” he said, handing Forrest his second drink and sitting back down. “Nothing like good whisky on a dark and rainy night.” His voice sounded a bit raspy, and irritatingly sexy.

Forrest nodded, wondering what the hell he thought he was doing. Vik was The Enemy. The one who could destroy him. Except he didn’t look or feel like the enemy at the moment. And somehow, it was Vik controlling the narrative now. How had that happened?

Reaching up, Vik set his whisky on the kitchen counter—that’s how small the cabin was. Then he proceeded to take Forrest’s glass from his suddenly weak fingers and set it next to his.

Forrest felt like he was dreaming, having an out-of-body experience. He was normally the one in charge, the one pushing everything to the next level. Right now, he felt a bit lightheaded and slightly discombobulated, and he wasn’t sure what to do with that.

He’d been the one to come to Vik’s door though, hadn’t he? He had no one to blame but himself.

“Is this all right?” Vik asked. His voice was rough.

Forrest nodded and managed to force out an equally rough, “Yeah.”

Vik curved a hand around the back of Forrest’s neck and pulled him close, close enough that Forrest could smell the drink on his breath in the seconds before their lips met.

Without letting himself think too hard about what they were doing—what did they think they were doing?—Forrest parted his lips to better taste Vik, who closed the gap between them so there was no space between their bodies. The heat of Nero Vik made Forrest dizzy. It made him want.

His groan was matched by Vik’s, who brought both hands around to cup Forrest’s face without breaking the kiss. Forrest didn’t know what to do with his own hands. Of their own accord, they tucked under the hem of Vik’s t-shirt and, as they used to say, his fingers did the walking. Or was it talking?

“Shit, those are cold. And that tickles.”

“Fuck, sorry.” He started to pull away.

“No, put them back. They’ll warm up,” Vik whispered against his lips.

There was no chance in hell Forrest was stopping now. He ran his hands across Vik’s abdomen and up his ribs. His fingers brushed against Nero’s taut nipples, frustrating Forrest because he wanted more skin.

“Shirts off,” Vik murmured.

God, yes. Good idea.

Pulling back and reaching over his head, Forrest grabbed his own shirt and tugged it off his body, then threw it toward the small table. Vik did the same, revealing the chest Forrest had just been caressing. Forrest took a millisecond to admire what he saw before placing his hands on Vik’s shoulders and pushing him back onto the bed.

The mattress was small, just a double, but they somewhat managed to fit.