His cock twitched, definitely on board for fucking. And that pissed him off even more. Why did it have to be this guy to start everything running again? Forrest sucked a lungful of oxygen in through his nose. It did nothing to calm him down.
Groaning, he slammed his palm against the hard plastic of the truck’s steering wheel. Why was his brain like this?
Lani would tell him it was oppositional behavior disorder. Damn that psychology minor of hers. She insisted Forrest always did the opposite of whatever was the smartest choice. But he’d agreed to stay away, right? No, the jury was out; he didn’t remember saying yes.
His body sure didn’t want to ignore Vik. His body wanted to know what made Nero Vik tick. His body’s pull toward Vik was irritating as hell, like an itch in the middle of his back that he couldn’t quite reach.
“I’m a fucking mess.”
He could smile and say it was a mistake, pretend that he needed to talk to Nick. Or Martin. Except their car wasn’t around. They’d probably headed for Aberdeen as soon as Nick’s shift was over. And Forrest was a terrible liar.
The only person he was good at lying to was himself.
And right now he was failing even at that. He wanted Nero Vik, and he was fairly sure Vik wanted him too. At least, Rufus and Magnus seemed to think he could trust that. Gritting his teeth, Forrest backed the truck into a spot across from the Explorer and got out.
“What the actual fuck are you up to?” Vik demanded as he got back out of his car.
They stared at each other across the gravel lot for what felt like eons. Forrest tried to still his racing thoughts, but it was difficult with Vik staring him down. He couldn’t tell if Vik was pissed off or turned on, and his cock did not care.
This was good, he told himself. They’d talk. Forrest would calm down and prove to himself that he wasn’t just a raging ball of hormones. He’d find out what Vik had seen, if anything, and they’d go their merry ways.
Ignoring the voice of snark, Forrest made his way through the pouring rain, skipping past the puddles that dotted the parking lot.
“We need to talk.”
Was his voice rough? Fuck.
Nero stared at him for a moment, one eyebrow raised. “About what? And why would I want to talk to you now or ever? You’ve done nothing but talk shit and ignore my messages for days. I’ve given you plenty of chances to talk with me.”
The rain increased in intensity as if Mother Nature had also been listening to Forrest’s bullshit and agreed with Vik. They were both getting soaked; Forrest felt the chill of the damp seeping through his jeans and Chuck Taylors.
He had talked shit about Vik. In his defense, it was his knee-jerk reaction to anyone new to town. Which may not have been a defense after all. But, fucking fuck, he probably owed him an apology.
Not probably. He did. Dammit.
“Can we do this inside?”
“Why?” Vik was scowling at him now and fuck, it was hot. “Why should I invite you inside? Maybe I have somewhere to be? I truly don’t understand why I should bother rearranging my evening for you. Talk about fucking presumptuous. It’s been a shit day for me already, so why would I want to spend time with someone who only wants to rip me a new asshole?”
Because he was a selfish tool, it hadn’t even occurred to Forrest that Vik would be upset from finding a murder victim. He was an idiot, and an insensitive one at that.
“Please?” The word popped out in spite of himself. Fuck. Lani would never let him hear the end of it if she found out.
Vik seemed shocked into silence by his plea, staring at him a few seconds before coming to a conclusion.
“Sure, I guess we can talk.” Vik started back toward Cabin Five and Forrest followed behind.
“Don’t sound so excited.”
“Should I be? Should I bow down to your assholery?”
“Look, I’m sorry for acting like an asshole. I’m actually not one.”
Vik cocked his head and raised a skeptical eyebrow.
“You are so an asshole. You just fucking blocked me in.”