“Toby the Tool?” Nero said slowly.
“The one and only. He’s turned out to be good guy. Unfortunately, he pissed her off in high school and she still hasn’t forgotten. I think she’s about ready to. She wasn’t nearly as mean to him as usual.”
“That sounds suspiciously familiar.”
“Trust me. Compared to Lani, I’m the easygoing one.”
Nero – Monday Morning
When he opened his eyes the next morning, Nero was surprised to realize he’d slept relatively well. Things hadn’t even been awkward when they’d gotten back to Forrest’s the night before, probably because both of them had been too tired to get weird about things. Forrest had showered and they’d both stripped down boxers and t-shirts and fallen into Forrest’s bed.
If the rhythmic sound of Forrest’s breathing was any indication, he wouldn’t wake up for a little while, so any potential weirdness would be held at bay for a bit longer.
Slipping out from under the covers, Nero padded silently to the kitchen. He’d spotted Forrest’s coffee stash on his first visit. Without too much clanking and banging, he got the coffee machine going. Another peek into the bedroom told him Forrest slept on. Nero hopped in the shower while the coffee brewed.
When he got out again, feeling much cleaner and his hair not yet doing its regularly scheduled Robert Plant impression, Nero checked in the bedroom again only to find it empty.
Forrest was seated at the kitchen table, hunkered down around a massive cup of fresh coffee. Nero chuckled; he looked somewhat like a dragon.
“I see you found the coffee.”
“If you promise to make coffee every day, I might ask you to marry me.”
“That’s a big ask. Every day?”
Nero was just going to avoid the part that sounded like he low-key wanted Nero to stick around.
“How you feeling this morning?”
“Arm’s sore.”
“What about the rest of you?” Nero asked while he poured himself a mug of the dark brew.
“Meh. I mean, yeah, fine but weird. I thought maybe I’d have a nightmare last night after everything, but nope.”
“That’s good, I think.”
“Your phone keeps buzzing,” Forrest said, nodding to where the offending device sat on the counter. “Sorry, I looked,” he said, not sounding very sorry. “I thought maybe it was your mom.”
“It’s Austin the Ex, isn’t it?”
“Mm-hmm.” Forrest used his good arm to raise his mug to his lips and then took a long sip.
“Well, fuck.”
With a sigh, Nero set his coffee down and picked up his cell phone. He didn’t bother to read the texts, he just pressed the green Call icon and waited for Austin to pick up.
“Nero?” He sounded out of breath, like he’d had to run to answer in time.
“Yes, Austin. Who did you think would be calling from this number?”
“Well, I—you haven’t answered before.” Austin breathed in sharply. “I miss you, Nero.”
Oh boy. This was going to be hard. Giving Forrest a chin nod, Nero took his phone and went back into the living room. Nero didn’t need the privacy, but he weirdly felt that Austin might.
“Look, Austin, before this conversation goes on much longer, I don’t plan on moving back. I’ve met someone here in Cooper Springs.”