I'm not sure if he's part of the Faceless or not, but I'm hoping he can give me more information than I have. I don't enjoy the idea of putting a bullet between Liam's eyes, but it has to be done. And it's going to be done alone. I won't ask my brothers for any more help.
If anyone is going to end this once and for all, it's going to be me.
The last time I was here, I was sure I'd never return.
The small lounge that Shade pulled me through is quiet. Not bumping with music and young adults like it was the last time.
I do see a few lights on inside. Hopefully, that means the owner is there.
I didn't tell anyone, including Gabrielle, where I was heading off to. I hope she doesn't get too worried when she realizes I'm not at the clubhouse. I left the website open on the computer on my desk, so if shit does go wrong and the guys try to look for me, they know the first spot to look.
Slowly, I open the front door of the lounge. It looks so different without the neon lights going off and the fog from the smoke machine filling the large space. I don't see anyone right away, but I don't take any chances. I'm on high alert.
I bend into a crouch and slide along the back wall until I make my way to where the storage area is. At least, I think that's where the storage area is. Quickly peeking around the corner, I see the man I came here for. Victor, the owner, is clad in black and gray. Every inch of his skin I can see is tatted down to his fingertips. His head is shaved on the sides, and his beard is so long it touches his chest. It's a peculiar look, but I'm not here to judge. Pulling my weapon out of my holster against my back, I tiptoe closer to him until I'm right up behind him.
I pull the hammer back on my gun, and he freezes when he hears the ominous click.
"You're going to turn around slowly and tell me everything I want to know, or you're going to be headless. Make your choice."
The man drops what's in his hands and slowly turns in my direction. His eyes are bright red, thanks to colored contacts, but it still makes him look more like a demon than just a regular lounge owner.
"What the fuck is this? Are you really trying to rob me this early in the morning?" He barks in my direction.
I shake my head, confused. "First of all, it's the afternoon, and I'm not here to rob you. I already told you I want information."
"Anything before seven PM is morning for me. I don't have any information for a man with a gun in my face."
"I could shove the gun down your throat and pull the trigger. Maybe you'd like that better?"
He clenches his jaw tight. I see the muscles popping on the side of his face.
I don't know much about him but from what Cody and Spark told me he was vital when it came to my brother's getting out of here alive when Shade kidnapped Gabrielle and me. If this man helped the Boys of Djinn before maybe he'll be open to helping me now.
I lowered my weapon but kept him in my line of sight. If he even made a move toward a weapon I'd shoot him down like a dog.
"Look man, I'm not trying to rob you and I'd rather do this without anyone getting hurt but I need to know what you know about the Faceless group. "
Vince groans and he rolls his eyes, annoyed.
"Who are you? Feds?"
"No, I'm not with the Feds. I'm with the Boys of Djinn."
Vince's eyes brightens and he stands up straight. It's gone from annoyance to excitement. I've seen this reaction from people before, usually those that wanted to get a patch.
"You're with Wyatt and them?" He asks.
"Yeah, I'm Bishop."
"Oh shit, they've been looking all over for you. I'm glad to see you're not dead." He reaches out to shake my hand. I have to transfer my gun to my non-dominant hand. I still haven't put it away and until I know I can trust him not to pull a weapon of his own I'm not going to.
"Yeah, man, I can't call it. Shit is still fucked up. You're Vince right?"
"Venom. Most people call me Venom." He corrects me.