Page 13 of Bishop

"What about him? I've seen a few other women in here from time to time, but I've never seen a man in here." Willa gestures her head in Bishop's direction.

"Bishop? Yeah, he's with the Boys of Djinn MC. They were the ones who helped get those girls free from that slave house. Liam used to be one of them until he was arrested and put away. They have a long history." I explain, not wanting to give away too much personal information.

"Boys of Djinn?" Willa's brows furrow, and she looks from me to Bishop and back again.

"Yeah? You know them?" I ask. It wouldn't be surprising to me if she knew of the club. It seems like more people than not know who the Boys of Djinn are in Maine.

"I don't, but I heard some things about them, I think. Are they connected with the Wings of Diablo in any way?" Willa asks, and my eyebrows jerk up.

It's been a while since anyone has muttered that club's name in my direction. Not even Bishop will talk about the club anymore. I'm sure it's because he doesn't want to get my hopes up about what could happen.

"Yeah, they're allies. What have you heard?" I reply hoping my growing interest doesn't put her off. I don't want her to think I'm just trying to squeeze information out of her.

"The last time the Faceless pulled me into a session with some of their higher end clients , I heard Shade and Liam going at it about what they were going to do about this club. I don't know exactly what happened, but it seemed like whatever they thought the end result was going to be with the Wings of Diablo had gone left. It sounded like they were scared. I remember being happy that someone finally had them on their toes. Maybe someone would give them a taste of their own medicine." Willa chewed on her bottom lip and glanced over at Bishop, who is now looking at her with great interest.

"When did you hear this?" He questions, his voice far more intense than I'd like. I don't want him to scare these girls away, but I know how important this information is. If something more is going on behind the scenes, then we need to know about it.

"What's it matter? They're out there, and we're stuck in here." Uma scoffs, directing her comment at Bishop.

"It matters because I know my club. I know the Wings of Diablo and the people that run that club. If they are getting the upper hand, that means they are going to be on their way to getting us. If there's a plan in motion, we need to be ready."

It's the first time Bishop has spoken to the girls about maybe being able to get out of here, and right away, I see the disbelief on the women's faces. If I were them, I'd be skeptical too. After all, they've been in here for months, and nothing on the outside has changed their circumstance. Fortunately for me, I know firsthand what Bishop is talking about. If the tide is changing, our freedom may be closer than we think.

"He's telling the truth. The Wings of Diablo and the boys of Djinn are the good guys, and loyal to their families. What did you hear?"

The air in the small cell gets thick with tension, all of us on edge waiting to hear what Willa knows.

Of course, nothing goes right in this place, and before she can start telling us what she knows, the sound of a lock scraping against the cell door jerks all of us up from the floor and on guard.

"What the fuck do you want?" Bishop growls and takes a step forward, putting himself between the girls and me and the guards who just walked in the room.

"We don't want anything, but your best friend Liam has requested your company." The guard smiles and reaches forward for Bishop.

I know what's about to happen.

Bishop has never gone down without a fight. I push Willa back, trying to make sure she doesn't get hurt, as Bishop swings and connects with the side of the guard's face. The sound of his fist connecting with the man's face makes me cringe.

Another guard rushes forward and grabs hold of Bishop's arms, but that only puts Bishop in a place to kick his legs forward and take down the next guard who makes the mistake of rushing into the room.

"Oh my God! Stop it!" April screams and huddles behind Willa and me. She must not be used to the violence.

Two more guards enter the room, this time with their clubs up and ready. They swing with all their might against Bishop's body, and my insides twist as I hear the thumps of the weapons against my protector's body. Bishop roars in pain when one of the clubs makes contact with his head and splits his eyebrow.

"Bishop! Please!" I yell for him but don't make any movement to get closer to him. I know better than to get in the way when Bishop is seeing red.

"You stupid fuck!" The first guard Bishop punched in the face gets back up to his feet and pulls out a knife.

I'm not worried about him killing Bishop. Liam is keeping him around for something more than just to settle a score. It's almost as if Liam thinks he needs to lord his power over Bishop to feel good about himself. What I am worried about is the rest of us in the room.

"You want to play, let's fucking play." The guard hisses, but instead of going for Bishop, he lunges in Uma's direction. I'm so startled by the sudden change of aggression I don't get to her in time to keep the guard from grabbing her.

"Get your fucking hands off me, you bastard!" Uma screams and yanks at his grip, trying to get away.

It takes Bishop a second to figure out what's going on, but the guards don't stop bringing their clubs down on his body even when he stops fighting. With one hard crack against the back of his head, Bishop crumbles to the ground, his eyes glazing over slightly, unfocusing before focusing back on us again.

"Leave...leave them alone," he groans and turns over, shaking his head trying to clear the fog I'm sure he's in.

"Leave them alone? Oh no. Here's another perk of having all of you together in one room. Your leash has gotten a lot shorter." The guard chuckles and jerks Uma around once again, pressing the knife in his hand against the side of her face. I hold my breath waiting for the guard to make his next move. Even with just a little bit of pressure, she'd start bleeding.