“No! I got it. Just fuck off. I didn’t sign up to be a fucking porn star.” I grunt out. I spit in my hand and jerk my cock with it before I press into her again. I know I can’t be slow about it so I slam in. I slam in and stars erupt behind my eyes as I hear her scream out in pain. She’s so fucking tight. So warm and I’ll be damned if I let anyone else have her.
Nitro is by far the biggest dick I’ve ever had in my life. So, the scream I just let out is real. It hurts, but it hurts so good. I can tell just from the look on his face that this is killing him. Nitro would have gone up against the whole crew of them if he knew that I would get out, but neither one of us would.
Instead, I let Rooster and the rest of these inbred assholes think that I don’t want Nitro to touch me. I’ve spent all my life faking it when it came to liking what people were doing to me. I didn’t think it would be so hard to fake not wanting it.
It’s almost impossible. Fuck all the people around us. Fuck the fact that there's little to no foreplay. Nitro is touching parts of me that no one has ever touched before and every stroke rubs just a little harder against my G-Spot.
I try to fight more, but he just holds me down harder and rams into me. A lonely tear strolls down his face and I struggle against him again causing him to fall against me. It’s tearing him apart to think that he’s hurting me. He grabs hold of my hair and yanks it back hard. Before he grabs hold of my neck with his other hand. My arms are free, but I can’t really move them as he dips his head settling it between the couch cushion and my head. He’s crying harder.
I cry loud so the rest of the guys can hear me before I put my hand to my face. I do my best to cover my mouth so they don’t see my mouth moving and I whisper into Nitro’s ear.
“Nitro, I’m okay. I’m okay. You feel good. So good inside me.” I encourage him and I feel him suck in a deep breath. If he sits up crying like this they are going to know. “Let go. I’m okay. Fuck me, Nitro.”
I tell him, and I feel his body bunch up. A loud primal sound bursts out of his mouth and I flinch away. He wipes his eyes on the way up, but doesn’t let go of my neck. He presses down and fucks me hard enough to make me have to hold on to the fabric of the couch with all my strength. I don’t even hear the rest of the guys around now, though I can see their faces as they laugh and cheer Nitro on.
His eyes are on mine and I’m staring at him.
I feel my insides flutter as he brutally pounds against me harder than anyone has ever fucked me before. I don’t want them to see me come. I don’t want them to know I like it. I don’t want them to know that even in this small bit of pleasure, they’ve won.
I shake my head from side to side trying to force myself not to come, but his strokes are so deep and I’m so full.
I bite down on the inside of my mouth and feel my body giving up the fight. In that instant he drops his face down to mine and press his lips to mine. “Hit me.” He orders and I flail, screaming as if my need for him to stop is renewed. When in reality my pussy is clamping down hard on his cock over and over as one of the strongest orgasms I’ve ever felt rolls through me. Just as my body starts to go lax, my ability to fight is draining just as fast as it came, he leans up and slaps me across the face. The sound is loud, but it doesn’t hurt, almost like he'd cupped his hand or something before he did it.
He grabs my hands again and slams them up over my head. He groans loud and I finally start to hear the rest of the people around me. I wish they would go away. He moans and tosses his head back before he drops it back down in the crook of my neck.
‘I’m going to come. I’m sorry. Fuck, you’re so tight. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m … fuck!” He pounds into me faster, his breath racing just as quickly as his hips until finally he clamps down hard on my wrists and his body jerks. I feel rope after rope of his cum shooting inside me and I can do nothing but close my eyes and cry. Not because I’m in pain, but because that was probably one of the best sexual experiences I’ve ever had and I had to share it with a bunch of fucking limp dick assholes. Either way them seeing me cry makes for better dramatics.
What the hell did I do? How could I do something like this no matter what Tink said. I’m a fucked up individual. I should have just let them kill me. After I'd finished with Tink they took her back downstairs, but then they went to town on the rest of the girls. I did nothing, but give them a starting point.
I’m just like them. I’m no different than the fucking Purged.
“No! Fuck no! I won’t. I can’t!” I come out of my room, tears still coating my cheeks. They’ve broken me. I’ve never in my life had to force myself on anyone and now in the name of the Purged I just had to rape one of the only women that I could ever really see myself with. I don’t care what she said there’s no coming back from something like this. None.
Now I must do what I can to get her out. Even if that means my death.
I don’t see anyone out in the hall, but I’m sure they are all downstairs. How the hell could I get her out of here? I swear if she were only a little bit smaller, I’d stuff her in a fucking suitcase and try to roll her out.
A lightbulb flashes in my head. Why the hell not? She’s small enough. If I could get a duffel bag down there, I can fit her in there and get her out. I almost laugh out loud as I turn around and slowly walk back to my room. Am I really thinking about smuggling Tink out in a fucking bag?
I dig through the stuff that I have in my room, it’s not much just what I had and what I could buy since we’ve been here. There is one large duffel bag that we should be using for rifles and such. It’s durable and big enough that she’d be able to fit. That’s going to have to do.
I walk down from the top level and see that the main level is full of sleeping Purged members. They must be all worn out from whatever drugs they are on and them fucking the girls. I walk as silently as I could to the metal door and input the code to get down to the lower level. This would be the last chance I had to get her out. I knew that if I didn’t then we would both be doomed.
I tip toe across the small area and into her room.
I open the door to see her sleeping on the hard bed. I’m so ashamed I don’t even want to wake her up.
“Tink.” I walk over to her and softly shake her shoulder. She turns to me and looks up at me. A sweet smile crosses her face and it does nothing but break me down further. I beat my hand against my thigh to keep myself from losing it.
“Nitro, please don’t do this to yourself. I see you beating yourself up about it. We had no choice. You didn’t hurt me.”
“That doesn’t matter, you shouldn’t have been put in that position. None of you should, but I need to make sure that you’re never there again.” I tell her and stand up tall. I want her to see that I’m not going to back down.
“What the hell does that mean?”