“What the hell does that mean? You know I can’t do nothing without your say so. You need to give that order.” I say trying to keep my face clear of anything that I’m feeling.
“I don’t think so. I think you already came up here like you were going to make them stop. Like you were going to take my fucking club and get them in order as if you were the fucking president or something like that.” He moves closer to me and I take a step back. This is the umpteenth time in the last few days that he’s accused me of trying to overstep my authority.
“Rooster, look at what the fuck is going on. This isn’t what the Purged was supposed to be. This isn’t just people that were looking for brotherhood and were shunned, these are the people that didn’t get brotherhood, because they didn’t deserve it. You don’t need them.” I give him the best pep talk that I can. Hopefully trying to reach any type of soul this man has left.
“I don’t need them, you’re absolutely right about that. I don’t need anyone.” He stares at me. I do my best to hold his gaze, but I can see that he’s not going to back down. There is no reaching him tonight.
“Whatever, I don’t want no part of this. I’m going up to my room.” Just as I turn to walk away Rooster calls for me.
“Nitro, you with me, right?”
I turn and shake my head as if I can’t believe he would ask me something like that. “Yeah man. I’m right here.”
“That’s good, because when I saw you coming out of that bitch Tink’s room I was starting to think the shit that Rage said was true. I was starting to think that maybe you thought you could sneak into my shit and come for me. You wouldn’t do that to your brother. I know you wouldn’t.” He smirks at me.
“Please, I was just making sure the merchandise was still in good shape. That woman means shit to me.” I put as much force in the words as possible. I need him to believe me, because if he makes me prove it, I’m not going to be able to.
“Wonderful, I have a request from Yemen and his boys. Tomorrow is going to be a fun day for the guys. Tink not so much.” He laughs and walks away.
Oh no, what the fuck are they going to do to her. What can I do to stop it? I need to get in contact with Wire or Shepard or fucking someone and get them to move, now. How the fuck do I do that without tipping Rooster off?
I'd fucked up and that fuck up is going to cost Tink.
Sweat pours off my forehead in fucking buckets. I didn’t sleep at all last night and every time I would come out of my room there would be someone around. No one said they had to keep tabs on me, but that's exactly what it felt like they were doing. I can’t leave the compound. I can’t go downstairs to warn Tink. I can’t reach Shepard on the phone. I can’t even try and take all of them out on my own. I’m fucked.
Rooster sleeps most of the day away, but that doesn’t mean that the rest of them aren’t keeping watch for him. I never felt so out of place in a clubhouse before in my life. I pace back and forth in my room, just waiting for whatever Rooster has planned.
It’s nearly sunset when I hear the first set of screams.
“Let’s go bitch! Now!” Someone orders from downstairs.
I race out of my room and run down the stairs to see that Rooster is having the rest of the Purged members pulling the women from downstairs into the main room. They are all clean, but none of them look like they are ready to go up for auction. I don’t know what Rooster is doing.
“What the hell is going on?” I ask and go to stand next to Rooster. I look around at the girls and do my best to ignore Tink. I don’t linger at all.
“I think I’m going to go all in with this auction business. The problem is I can’t guarantee none of these products. How the fuck can I go about saying that these are the best on the market if I never had a taste. I think we need to have a first-hand account of what we are offering these high paying clients.” Rooster hoots out at the end and the rest of the Purged join in.
“Rooster, I need you to listen to me. The only reason these people want what we have is because they are fresh. Who's going to want one of them if they pussy and ass all tore up? You throwing money and fucking connection down the drain. Yemen will kill you before he—“ I can’t get another word out.
“Stop fucking questioning me! Why the hell do you care? Unless of course you working with this bitch to take me down!” Rooster screams at me before he shoves me in the direction of Tink.
“Mother fucking hell Rooster, we just had this fucking conversation. I’m not working with anyone.” I throw my hands up in the air in frustration.
“You know what, I’m starting to not believe you. So now you’re going to fucking prove it.” He grabs hold of me and presses his gun to the back of my head.
“You going to kill me Rooster, just fucking do it then. I don’t have shit to lose.” I’m lying my ass off. I have a lot to fucking lose. If I’m dead there’s nothing to stop them from running through all these women. Tink included.
“No, I don’t want to kill you brother. I want you to prove your loyalty. If you’re loyal that shouldn’t be very hard for you to do. Right?”
I bite my cheek and clench my fists at my side, “What do you want me to do?”
“Fuck her.” He points at Tink and every part of my soul screams inside of me.
“I’ll fuck her in the room.” I say, “Why they fuck do I want a bunch of nasty dudes staring at my stroke?”
“No, you are going to hold her down, right here and as she screams for you to stop, you’re going to fuck her. You’re going to fuck her hard. You’re going to make her remember that Nitro touched every inch of her in front of all the members of the Purged MC.” He pushes me towards her and I watch her shrink away from me. She backs up into Lefty and he just pushes her forward.