I walk up to the main floor to search for Rooster. He'd told me what he wants to do, but I still don't understand why this is so fucking important to him. What the hell happens if the women that we have here aren't good enough for whomever is coming for them?
I get up to the main floor, and groan at the mess that the new people have already tossed all over the place. The cleanliness of this place lasted all of twenty minutes. I don't even stop to talk to any of them instead I walk up the stairs and knock on Rooster's door. When he opens it up, I see his face is completely strained and his eyes are almost blood shot. Something is fucking wrong for sure.
"Rooster, what's going on? Is this going to be a fucking problem today? All this shit is happening fast as fuck, but you not letting me know what the fuck got you running around like a chicken with no fucking head." I keep my cool, but press him hard enough hopefully to get him to tell me why he's acting so damn strange.
"I fucked up." He closes his eyes and bangs his hands against his forehead.
"What the hell do you mean you fucked up?" Dread curls around my gut. Rooster is never fucking worried about fucking up. He's usually not afraid of anything so for him to be freaking out about whatever the fuck is going to be happening at this auction is cause for concern.
"I thought Yemen was completely out of the picture. He's in fucking jail Nitro. Sure, he has people that he was sending our way, business ventures and shit, but I didn't think he had his hand this far into this shit. I didn't speak to him about the fucking auctions. This is his fucking turf and it's looking like I'm trying to set up a fucking hostile takeover or some shit."
Fuck, he's right. Yemen isn't someone that you want to cross. "But what does that have to do with today? He's in jail like you said, if anything it'll take a while before he realizes you have anything set up. We can be careful."
"No! You don't fucking understand. He's not in fucking jail anymore. They broke him out last month. Yemen is a free fucking man right now, just laying low. He was on his way back to fucking Ireland when he found out that I was in touch with Bull to buy his girls for an auction. Yemen will be here this afternoon."
Holy fuck! If Yemen is back out on the streets that means all his goons are with him. All the people that Rooster thought he had in his pocket now are back to doing what Yemen says. If Yemen tells them to blow Rooster's and my head off, they would without any hesitation.
"Shit, when did you find this out?" I need to know the timeline. I need to know the expectations. I need to fucking get in touch with Shepard to let him know that they may not be going after just Rooster.
"This afternoon, when we were on the way here." Rooster leans against the door and pulls out a small bag of coke from his front pocket. I smack it out of his hand before he even has a chance to open it up. The muscle in his jaw twitches and his pupils get large. He snarls at me and reaches for his weapon. He's killed people for less.
"Brother, shoot me if you fucking want to, but getting fucking high right now isn't going to help this situation. I need you to be at the top of your fucking game. We got a fucking clubhouse full of immature wannabe gangsters. Yemen is not someone to fuck around with. We need to get this shit straight." I keep my eyes glued on his. He has to see reason, even someone as crazy as Rooster knows when we are about to have our fucking backs against the wall.
"Fuck, man. I just want one hit."
"Yemen just needs one fucking excuse to blow your fucking head off. Take your pick." I stay strong in what I'm saying I don't have time for this bullshit.
He nods his head and stands up straight. "Fine, I won't get high."
"Good choice, now tell me exactly what Yemen said. Can we run?" I start going through the different scenarios that would allow us to come out alive.
"No, he made it quite clear that if we did decide to run that there would be nowhere for us to hide. He made it sound like he had rats in the club, that there were people riding under the Purged patch still loyal to him." Rooster keeps his voice down even though there are no other people here with us.
"No shit man, there are people on the street right now that have never heard of Yemen's name that would be loyal to him if he told them to be. I don't doubt there are people here that will turn on you in a second." I shrug and bite my lip trying to continue to put two and two together. "If he knows that you are homing in on his cash cow what the hell is he even coming here for? Why didn't you just tell Bull that you weren't going to take the girls?"
"Yemen said that only the best should be allowed to offer up women to the clientele that I've been going for. I'm talking about politicians, royalty, and fucking billionaires. These people have all the clout and Yemen feels like he has some sort of claim on their business. He told me that if I could show him the high caliber women that these people deserve then he would allow us to work under him, to run auctions here for him while he continues to hide out over seas. We would have to give him a kickback, but at least we wouldn't be fucking dead." Rooster shuffles from foot to foot. The nerves kicking back in.
"Okay, that's doable. We can fucking do that." I say aloud more to myself than to him.
"Are you kidding me? Did you see the women that Bull brought here? They all look like they are maybe one fucking scare away from the grave. I wouldn't stick my cock in one of them the way they are right now and I haven't fucked in weeks. You think some rich bastard with more money than sense is going to look at any of those girls and say yeah, she's worth dropping a couple million on? This shit isn't going to fucking work." Rooster's eyes dart around the room, and I think he's looking for a way out. That is his usual motive. When shit goes bad, he's the first fucking one to jump ship.
“Don’t fucking worry about that shit. What I need from you is that fucking charm that seems to get you whatever the fuck you want with these crazy motherfuckers. Let me worry about making sure the girls are good enough. I may need to go out and bring someone else in.” Even saying that shit makes my skin crawl. I’m supposed to be helping the people we have captive and here I am talking about bringing someone else in.
“If you bring someone else in, they stay.” Rooster tells me almost as if he is reading my mind. Even at my worst I don’t know that I would have been able to force someone to live this life if they didn’t have to. I’m not about to start taking female prisoners, because we’re in a fucking jam. This club is nothing but a bunch of men, all of whom get a kick out of spitting and shitting in corners. Not one I would trust to know how to make a woman look good. We do have the female prisoners that are already here though. If I can convince one of them that helping us do this is for the greater good than maybe we’d have a chance.
I know exactly who I’m going to start with.
Rooster tells me Yemen and his people will be here within the next three hours. I task the rest of the Purged members to get this place as fucking spotless as they can, of course not one of them wants to hear shit about cleaning.
I have to resort to violence in order for them to realize that what I tell them to do isn’t up for fucking discussion. Once I know that the aesthetic of the clubhouse would be taken care of, I go downstairs to check on the prisoners.
Out of the twelve girls there are four I would say look healthy enough to be considered prime candidates. Still their hair and what they are wearing won’t do for what we need to accomplish. The last person I visit is hopefully the one that would be able to help me.
The little one with the grey eyes.
I open the door and she pops up from where she is laying on the hard bed in the corner. Every other woman had cowered and curled into the corner when I stepped into their room, but this one stands up straight, slightly moving one leg back. Ready for an attack.