Page 11 of Nitro

I have already washed and helped two of the girls that I’ve chosen for the activities of the night. All of them did exactly what I said without ever asking a question. That is the level of trust that they have for me. Part of me wishes that they would just fight back against me. Then I would have to explain to them that I'm not just setting them up to be sold away, but I'm helping them. At least I hope I am helping them. I swear if Nitro is using this against me, I’ll gut him before they have a chance to take me out. Even if it is the last thing that I do.

“Do you know where we are?” The last girl, Pinky asks. She’s the only one that has even bothered to talk.

“No, I have no idea, but I’m thinking we’re somewhere in the south. It’s hot.” I shrug my shoulders and continue to comb through her hair. Trying to get it as straight as I can without the use of a flat iron.

“Do you think they are going to kill us now?” Her voice cracks and her eyes fill with large tears.

I grab hold of her as I try to swallow the frog in my throat. She’s so scared. I can almost feel it radiating off of her.

“No, they’re not going to kill you now. You’re not going to let them. You’re going to survive you hear me. You do whatever you have to do to stay alive until you can get away. That is all you need to worry about.” I stare deep into her eyes and she gives me a small smile.

“How did you get this way? You’re never scared. I’ve never seen you even back down from any of them.”

“I’m always afraid, but I’ll never just let someone bully me without some type of a fight. They are no better than me. I wasn’t raised to back away when shit gets hard.” I swipe a bit of hair out of her face and pick up a tube of mascara from the table that we are sitting in front of.

“What’s your name?” Pinky asks me. “I’ve been calling you Chichi in my head.”

I scrunch my face, how the hell did she get Chichi? That’s the strangest name I’ve ever heard. “Where did that come from?”

“Chichi, short for chihuahua.” She cringes slightly, waiting for me to get upset I suppose.

I scoff and put the mascara down, which leads into me laughing like a crazy person. I guess that isn’t the craziest thing I’ve been called. Everyone always makes nicknames from my height. They say I’m like a little ember of fire, not much to me, but I’ll burn the hell out of someone.

“Good one, but my name is Tink. At least to anyone who actually cares about me that is.” I pick the mascara back up and start on her other eye. “What about you?”


“Nice to meet you, Jessica.” I squeeze her shoulder before I continue with what I’m doing.

“Oh, well isn’t this nice.” A man standing in the doorway says and I jump in shock, not knowing he was there. “We’re all getting to know each other. It’s like one big happy family in here.” The man walks into the room and closes the door behind him. There’re not many places for us to go to get away from him so I just stand right in front of Jessica. “What are you doing in here? I was told that I would be left alone to do what I had to do to get the girls ready.”

“You’ve had long enough. It’s time for me to bring her down. In a few minutes that is. I think maybe we need to check the merchandise. I wasn’t expecting you to still be in here, but you can show me what you have to offer as well. I mean it’s my job to make sure everyone’s happy. I think you two can make me very fucking happy.” He reaches down and grabs hold of his cock through his pants.

“Stay the fuck away from us you pervert. There are two of us and only one of you.” I look around the room trying to figure out what I can use to protect myself. There is a shit load of cosmetics and hair supplies, but nothing strong enough that it would hurt him to make him stop.

“Two of you?” He laughs and continues to move closer, “Well that’s okay I’m up for the challenge.” He lunges at Jessica first, but I jump on his back just as he gets to her. I do my best to claw at his face and neck.

He grunts out in pain and pushes Jessica onto the ground so he can focus on me. Jessica falls hard and scrambles toward the wall as she cries and covers her ears like she’s going to be able to drown out the sound of what’s going on. The man grabs me by my hair and flips me over his shoulder so that I’m on the bed. He pulls at the thin clothing that I have on trying to get to my bottoms. I kick and scream. I don’t stop fighting even though I know there is no way that I’m going to be able to overpower him. I just don’t have enough strength and there is nothing around that I can use.

“Get off! Get the fuck off me!” I yell loudly, but that only makes the bastard move faster. He grabs hold of my breasts and in an effort to rip my top off he squeezes my flesh hard enough for stars to explode in my eyes.

He uses his knees to spread my legs apart and I feel warm flesh pressing against my thighs.

I’d spent the entire time that I was with Bull and his people without getting raped. I get here for one day and already I’m about to be used like a piece of meat.

I jerk my head up as hard as I can. My forehead connects with his face, but not sufficiently hard to knock him off, just enough for him to pull a hand back and smack me across the face. Now he lays his full body weight down on me and I can’t even get my legs up to kick.

“Stop! No.” I’m so out of breath, but even as I feel my eyes begin to fill with tears I still fight. I can barely take in a full breath and then the next second I nearly pop off the bed as all the weight is whipped off me.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Nitro puts his back to me. His legs bent slightly, like an animal ready to attack.

“Oh, come on Nitro. Don’t act like you haven’t thought about it. We’ve been without female company,” the man looks over Nitro’s shoulder at me and sticks his tongue out like a dirty snake. “For a really long time. I just wanted a taste before all this shit went down tonight.”

“Does it look like any of these women fucking belong to you? I’m telling you this right fucking now. If I hear about you or any fucking Purged members touching any of these girls, I’m going to rip your fucking throats out with my bare fucking hands.” He doesn’t move from the position that he’s in.


“Do you fucking understand English Cyrus? I said leave them the fuck alone! That’s the end of the fucking discussion or do I need to let Rooster know that you’re going against the patch? Do I need to tell him that you'd rather get your dick wet than be loyal?” Nitro takes a menacing step toward the man he just called Cyrus. Suddenly the predator has become the prey. I watch as the man who was just about to rape me hunches and tries to back away. His eyes going wide and hands shaking with fear. “Do you know what we do to assholes that aren’t loyal to the fucking patch Cyrus? We throw them in a fucking pit and light them on fire. We don’t kill you first we just let you fucking burn like the trash you are.”