“You know where I go to get pussy?” I repeat.
This is even less common knowledge. As much as violence tames the constant memory in my head and the raging fire inside me, that place feels like it gives me something more.
I don’t get pussy there, though. Not that Addams needs to know that.
“Yes, yes! I work with powerful people. People who can get you anything you want,” Addams says fast, like the words can’t come out of his mouth fast enough.
I feign considering his offer, the blade in my hand hovering over his body in a show of incertitude. “Go on.”
“He can get you who you want. Someone has stricken your fancy? Just give me a picture and he’ll get her for you. Or him, or whoever, I don’t know, man. Just give me a name.”
I could give him the name of an elder, a child, boy, girl, and he wouldn’t care. He’d just give them to me to save his miserable life. I’m sure he’d even take pleasure in it.
His perversity knows no bounds if he considers just snatching any person out of the streets just so I can get them as my property or pet. I pride myself on controlling my facial expressions well. It was a friend who burnt our home and killed my father so I make sure no one ever does know what I feel or think. I only trust a handful of people and none are in this room with me, so I keep my face emotionless.
Addams’s breathing kicks up, mistaking my lack of movement for approval and permission to go on. He licks his lips and his eyes take on a bright shine that speaks of his excitement at bringing someone new into the fold.
“There’s someone you want. I can see it in your eyes,” he says.
There is. But she’s far from here, and I’d never kidnap her to make her my toy. That’s not even the role I play.
I go along with the vile thoughts of the evil man chained to my work room. “What if there is?”
“You give me the name, I’ll reach out to my contact. Within a week or two, we’ll deliver the package to the place of your choice. Andrea will never know. I swear I won’t talk.”
“What if she isn’t in the country?” I ask, just to see how far it goes and toss him a glimmer of hope that he will, in fact, walk free.
“It doesn’t matter.”
“Your contact? Can I trust him?”
“Yes, yes, of course. He’s the best at what he does. He’s been doing it for years. Release me, let me go and you’ll get what you want.”
I feign musing it over. I turn my back to him and pace. Really, I just wait for him to tell me more. I don’t have to wait long.
“He’s a big player, and he’s not from here, so he won’t talk about you. It will also go through me, so he won’t have to know of your involvement,” Addams explains.
“I don’t trust strangers.” My tone is bored, but I let my tongue scrape across my teeth and frown lightly, going back to pacing. Patience is key. With slippery people like him, paranoid men who prey on the weak, they’re usually the weakest of them all. Which means once I know what he has to say, I can duct-tape his mouth and get to work instead of hours to extract information.
With Giulia’s abduction, I don’t feel creativity sparking through my brain to torture. I just want to maim and cut him to tiny pieces until I can feed the pigs. Or grind him into dust. My mind wanders to disposal solutions when Addams speaks again.
“He’s the pakhan of the Moscow Bratva. Please, release me. If you want someone from anywhere, he’ll get them,” he cries, fat tears falling on his cheeks.
I grunt, a non-committal sound escaping my mouth.
“Our circle is small. One person is chosen for each country as a supplier so you won’t have any issues.”
A real smile spreads over my face and Addams mirrors me, his head bobbing up and down with hope and relief.
“Do you even know why you’re here, Addams?” I ask suddenly.
“Because Capaldi wants my business. And you’re here to take over. But you’re gonna release me now.”
I blink. Once, Twice. Three times.
The word is cold and resonates into the room.