Icalled Louis to ask about Giulia. He said she broke up with him via a simple note on Saturday morning and her phone is disconnected. He’s pissed and raging but I can’t focus on him.
Loic, the number 1 hacker at the company, came back to tell me that the name registered at the university, Lana Mayers, was fake. Apparently, it’s the name of a fictional character, a serial killer who killed the men who wronged her. Somehow it seems fitting.
There’s no trace of her. No phone number, bank account, apartment lease in her name… Everything was fake and now I’m starting to think we were too.
I can’t focus on my meetings, I made my assistant cry today and I’ve ignored my mother’s calls for five days straight. I’m being an asshole to everyone and I live my days on caffeine and take out. Being in my kitchen is a painful reminder that I trusted too easily and have been played.
Speaking of the devil, my mother’s face appears on my screen. I can’t ignore her anymore. She’s all I’ve ever had and this pity party has gone on for long enough. “Lisandru, where have you been? I tried to call you so many times. I was so worried about you, baby. I called your uncle Luc and he was about to come help me break your door down.”
“Mama, don’t be so dramatic. I’ve just been busy.”
“Did you close an important contract at work?”
“Yeah,” I lie. “You know how it is.” I can’t tell my mother I almost fell in love with a stranger just to be abandoned again, like I have my whole life. It wouldn’t be fair because she’s always stood by me. Luc too.
“I’m so proud of you, ragazzo mio.” My son. My mother’s British but spending so much time with her sister Catalina, who spoke Italian with her husband Mario, she picked up on the endearments. I hear the satisfied smile in her voice and I wince. “Are we still on for dinner next Thursday? Your uncle Luc will join. He’s moving on with his new business partner and I know he’ll benefit from your expertise. Will you help him, baby?”
“Of course, Mama.”
I hold a sigh. I don’t want to get involved in whatever illegal shit Luc’s cooking but he’s as close to a father figure as I could have had.
Lana’s just taught me a lesson I thought I had learned long ago: you can only ever rely on your family.
I hung up with my mother and shoot a text to Luc.
Hey zio, Mama told me you’ll join us for dinner next week. Send me your business partner’s name and your proposal.
Good to hear, my boy. His name is Misha Petrov. It’s mostly security for his warehouses and cyber-security for his servers.
What’s the business?
Caviar, oil sometimes. The best Russia has to offer. There’s a big gap to fill in the market.
Alright. I’ll review your documents and draft the contract. See you next week, zio.
Working’s always been my solace and while I set my uncle and his partner’s security up for years to come, Lana’s absence becomes a dull ache in my chest instead of the throbbing pain of the knife she struck to my back.
Three months later, I still haven’t made progress on finding my little liar. She better pray I don’t. Because if I do, I’m gonna kill her for putting me in this fucking misery.
Ifucked someone today. She had brunette hair and golden eyes.