I think I hear something, but can’t tell over the sounds of the table legs shifting across the floor, and the wet sounds of her pussy. I have a split second thought, hoping that none of my guys forgot something and come back. They won’t see much of her, but they’ll definitely see my bare ass thrusting into her, and I will never live that shit down.

The thought is completely erased from my mind as she clenches around me, releasing her hold on my shirt to slap her hand over her mouth as she comes with a muffled cry. She’s got a vice grip on my cock, so it’s only a couple thrusts before I’m groaning my own release, nearly collapsing on top of her. The only thing that keeps most of my weight on my feet is knowing that this table will probably fold up with us both on top of it.

“Holy shit,” she says with a laugh. “I truly didn’t mean to maul you like that.”

I lift my weight off of her, looking down between us to where we’re still joined, and give a few more thrusts, pushing my cum deeper into her. “Maul me anytime, kitten. That was hot as fuck.” I pull out of her, sliding her panties back into place, and help her stand.

We each straighten our clothes, looking at each other with silly grins plastered on our faces, and I know without a doubt that tired or not, I will fuck this woman anytime she wants me to. It doesn’t matter if I’m dead tired. She can climb on and ride if she needs to, especially if she’s going to look at me like my dick is her salvation.

“Let’s go home,” she says once we’re done, and I can see the moment she realizes what she said and what she’s insinuated. I’ve already accepted it, so I grab her hand as we turn to walk out.

“Let’s go home,” I repeat back, and I watch as her shoulders drop, the tension leaving them. I lock up, making sure the door is tightly closed before we head down the stairs hand in hand.

I can’t help but hope for many more nights just like this one, and more time with her in general. I’ve got my home in her now, and that’s not something that I’d be willing to give up. She’ll just have to deal with me, now, because I’m all in. Mind, body, and heart are all on the same page with this one. My chest warms as I look at her, and I know that I’m completely gone for this woman.



Playlist: "Don't Let Me Down," Joy Williams

The last few weeks have been amazing, to say the least. Things have been quiet and comfortable. Jameson and I have fallen together in a way that has me looking towards the future full of hope. We’ve been spending so much time together that Kat said she was going to quit her job as my best friend if I didn’t give her more attention. I gave into her pouting because she’s right; she deserves my time, too, and I want them both in my life.

There’s a pep in my step that I can’t hide and even those I work with have started picking up on the change. I might be slipping a bit, letting down the shields I normally have so firmly held in place, but it’s a shift I’m willing to allow just to let things stay in a more positive headspace. I don’t think a lot of my coworkers know how to handle me now which makes it even funnier.

I’m usually such a hard ass that they’re afraid to approach me. Now, I’m telling them good morning with wide smiles and they’re becoming living renditions of fly traps, mouths hanging open in surprise. Maybe changing it up is the way to go. No better way to keep them on their toes; not knowing what to expect from me next.

I wrap up my work day, saying goodbye to everyone on my way out. I’m on my way to meet Kat. We’re going to a new coffee shop a few blocks away that’s supposed to have the best chai latte in the city. That’s a big boast to make, and I love chai, so I’m hoping that the place lives up to the hype. Even if it doesn’t, time with Kat is always fun and we’ve had much less of it with how wrapped in one another Jameson and I have been.

I’m humming as I make my way down the steps, my foot falls matching the beats of the song stuck in my head. The stairwell is quiet other than the sounds I’m creating, most employees worn down by a long day and choosing the elevator instead. I’d probably do the same if I wasn’t skipping the gym several days a week now to spend that time pressed against Jameson instead. I’m sure we’ll get our schedules more situated soon enough and I’ll get back to my regularly scheduled gym days, but as of right now, I’m definitely not skipping the stairs.

As I step onto the landing on the floor below ours, the door creaks open, but the person behind it must hear me coming because they wait to open it all the way, allowing me to walk past it first. I make my way by at a slightly quicker pace to get out of the way.

It’s as I’m moving towards the stairs that I realize there’s no reason anyone would be on this floor. Jameson and his crew have already left for the day, his text letting me know he’s home and will be there when I’m done meeting up with Kat, a testament to that. I’m confused, but thinking maybe he’s fucking around with me I pause my steps, intent on turning around, sure to find him standing behind me with that Cheshire Cat grin.

I don’t even have the time to turn before something slams against the back of my head, dropping me to my knees on the landing. My vision swims, my hands slapping down against the floor as I try to steady myself so I don’t fully collapse. Pain flares through my skull and I try to blink my vision clear. I’m too stunned to do much else until the heel of a boot comes down on my left hand.

A scream climbs up my throat as the pain registers, but a hand slaps over my mouth, a second taking a handful of hair to wrench my head back. I try to bite the hand over my mouth but the fingers tighten across my face, pressing the meaty flesh of my cheeks between my teeth.

“Fucking bitch.” The words are gritted out by a feminine voice, but that’s all I’m able to decipher before my head is shoved down into the floor with a flare of pain. “You should have walked away,” is hissed against my ear before my face is smashed into the floor again.

It’s then that I know who my attacker is. Without a shadow of a doubt, it’s Tori with her talons in my hair, her weight pressed to my back. She released my mouth in order to thrust my head forward, so I laugh dryly around the ache in my face and the blood flooding my mouth from my busted nose.

“He will never be yours,“ I growl, splattering blood across the landing as I speak.

I try to push up with my hands, intent on fighting back, but nausea sweeps through me and she yanks my hair even harder. The pain is the last thing I can hold onto before my face meets the floor again. Everything melts away and my world goes black.



Playlist: "World in Flames," In This Moment

I’m just finishing up cooking dinner when my phone starts vibrating across the island counter. Thinking it’s Amelia calling to tell me she’s late because she got caught up hanging out with her bestie, I wipe my hands on a dishtowel and scoop it up.

I pause when I see that it’s Kat’s name lighting up my screen instead. We haven’t called each other since we exchanged numbers, but I know they can get a little out of hand sometimes and I’ve been waiting for her to call and beg for my assistance in getting Amelia home.

I let out a breath before accepting the call, placing the phone between my ear and shoulder as I move back over to the stove. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” I ask playfully.