The next morning, I convince Amelia to go on that bike ride that she’s been owing me. It takes a bit of coaxing to get her on the back. I swing by the sandwich shop a couple blocks away, I throw the kickstand down, climb off my bike, and flick her visor up after I pull off my helmet, and hang it on the handlebar so I can stare her in the eyes.
“Stay here.”
“But—“ she begins and I hold up a hand.
“Stay here, Amelia,” I say in a lower, more commanding tone. “If you don’t, I’ll bend you over in front of everyone here and spank your ass red. Do you understand?”
She nods quickly, eyes wide with dread, and I’m somewhat relieved that voyeurism is off the table for us. At least the more obvious displays.
The beauty of having a bike is that I can squeeze into small spaces like the one I backed into, my back tire pressed to the curb. As I walk into the sandwich shop and order for us, I’m able to watch her through the windows along the front of the small restaurant. She’s delectable as she sits there on the back of my bike, her head tilted back to enjoy the sun.
Her perfect, pert ass is the focal point while she’s there, so anyone who drives behind us for too long might be risking their life. I’m not really the jealous type, but the idea of having someone eye her like that makes me want to put my first through a wall.
Once I get lunch I head back out, taking the backpack from her so I can pull my riding jacket out and put them in there instead. We’re going a good distance, so I want her to be protected. I drape the jacket over her shoulders and she tucks her arms into the sleeves before zipping it up. I help her put the backpack on before climbing in front of her. She immediately slides closer, wrapping her arms around me.
“Alright, before we get going, I want to make sure you know how to let me know you’re good.” She nods against my back so I continue. “If I pat this leg, I’m going to speed up,” I say, demonstrating for her, “I need you to pat my leg back, if that’s okay. If you get scared, or it becomes too much and you need a break, pat my chest.”
I take one of her hands, raising it to show her where to pat, and she tickles me before putting her hand back where it was. I can’t help but smile at her antics, even though I know she’s scared. “I’ve got you, beautiful. Just relax and trust me.”
“Okay,” she says softly, squeezing me tighter for a moment, and I reach back to flip her visor closed.
I grab my own helmet from the handlebars before pulling it on and clipping it. I plant my feet, throwing the kickstand up, and give her thigh a squeeze before I start the bike. She pat, pat, pats my stomach and I laugh before I turn the key, squeezing her one last time. I pull my hand away, flip my visor down, glance both ways, and accelerate onto the road.
Her hold around me is really tight as we make our way out of the city, but the farther away we get from all the traffic, the more she loosens up. When her hands finally slide down from my stomach and rest on my thighs, I know she’s loosened up and is starting to enjoy herself. I’m relieved that she’s comfortable enough with me to face her fear, and hope we’ll get to do this more in the future.
We reach our exit far too soon for my liking, but I take it nonetheless, excited to show her the quiet little spot. We head a ways down the road before I slow, turning onto a dirt road. It’s not far from there before I come to a stop, dropping the kickstand and pulling off my helmet.
The first thing I do is draw in a deep breath of the fresher air. The city has its benefits, but the air conditions certainly aren’t one of them which is why I love this place so much. There’s lush grass in the clearing ahead of us, dancing in the light breeze, and I know from my many visits that just down the slight hill there’s a pond.
I hang my helmet from the handlebars and Amelia passes me hers so I can do the same with it. I climb off first and then help her down, pulling her close so I can mess up her helmet hair. She laughs, swatting me away before she reaches up to pull her hair tie out and redo it.
“This place is beautiful,” she says softly, like talking too loud here will ruin the serenity of it.
“It is. One of my friends back in college showed me this place and I haven’t stopped coming, when I can, since then. It’s a break from city life without having to go too far.”
I take the backpack from her, watch her shed the jacket to throw over the seat, and then take her hand in mine, helping her down the slight incline to the pond. It’s beautiful, but there are plenty of rocks hiding in the grass just waiting to make you twist an ankle. Once we get closer to the water I pull open the backpack, digging down to the bottom to pull out the blanket I stashed there.
I lay it out before sitting down, patting the ground beside me. She does so with a content sigh, leaning against my shoulder for a moment to press a kiss to my cheek. I turn my head, capturing her lips with my own, and just breathe her in for a moment, enjoying the feel of her.
When I pull back I rest my forehead against hers. “Are you ready to eat?”
She smiles. “You never have to ask that.”
“Noted,” I respond with a wink, holding out her sandwich to her and then a bottle of her favorite tea. Her eyes soften as she takes them in, scanning my face.
“Thank you.”
I nod. I can tell she’s surprised by me remembering the small details, doing things that most men would probably let fall through the cracks. It makes me bristle, because that means she hasn’t had a man worth a damn before me. At the same time, it makes me sit a little bit taller, because I’m the first one to treat her the way she deserves. Besides, if she’d run into a good man before me, I might have to steal her away.
We eat in silence, watching as birds come to bathe in or drink the water. It’s serene enough that neither one of us wants to disturb it, enjoying each other’s company in the silence. We’re finishing up when a doe and her fawn approach the other side of the pond, and we both freeze, watching them. They hang around for a few minutes before disappearing back into the trees, and we share a smile as I pack up our trash.
I lay back on the blanket, putting my left arm behind my head and holding my right out to her. “Come here, beautiful,” I rumble. She doesn’t hesitate to come to me, tucking herself into my side with her head on my chest, one of her legs swung over mine to wedge between them.
I wrap my arm around her when she’s situated, pulling her close, and press a kiss to her hair before laying back and closing my eyes. I trail my fingers up and down her arm. Her fingers trail up and down my chest and abdomen, the little tease dipping a bit farther down with each pass.
“Behave, kitten,” I mumble as her fingers graze the waistband of my jeans. She huffs a sigh, returning her hand to my chest where she starts rubbing circles. It’s not long before she’s repeatedly grazing over my nipples and I shake my head, trying not to laugh. “Amelia.”
“Hmm?” The sound speaks innocence, but her hand is anything but as she passes over my nipple again, and then she pinches it through my shirt.