“See you soon.”
Playlist: "High Enough - RAC Remix," K. Flay, RAC
The deep breath that I draw in before I knock on the door does nothing to calm my racing heart or spiraling thoughts. I thought for sure that with the reveal that Tori had been in my apartment that we’d be done, that finding those blueprints in my kitchen would be the final nail in the coffin.
Instead, she asked me to stay with her. She even said please.
I don’t know what to prepare myself for, and I’m trying not to get my hopes up that everything between us is going to be fine. I’m finding it a lot more difficult than I should.
I knock a few light taps to let her know I’m here, and the door is pulled open almost immediately, like she’d been waiting close to the door until I got here. She glances down the hall over my shoulder and then pulls me inside by my arm, closing the door behind us and reaching around me to lock it and latch the door closed.
I want to laugh at her actions and how cute she’s being, but the determination and worry on her face stop me. Her hair is thrown back in a messy bun and she’s wearing a t-shirt with a book on it that says ‘spread your pages’ along with soft shorts that have her legs bared to my gaze, where they stick for a moment before she steps into me.
She pushes up onto her toes, reaching her arms around my neck as she pulls me against her in a tight hug. Her sweet scent surrounds me, her warmth pressed tightly to my front, and suddenly everything is okay. I drop my bag to the floor and tighten my own arms around her, burying my fingers in her hair at the nap of her neck.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you,” she says softly. In that moment I could one hundred percent let myself fall apart in her arms. It takes all of the strength I have left not to.
“Are we okay?” The question is out of my mouth before I can think too much about it or take it back. I need to know the answer. I have so much else going on right now that I need to know where we stand, so that I know how to approach things with her right now.
Is this just friendliness? Is she letting me stay here out of some sense that she needs to? Or is it more?
“Yes,” she says with a certainty that I wish I felt as she pulls back to meet my gaze. “We’re okay. I’m here, Jameson, and I’m not going anywhere.”
I swallow around the knot in my throat at her words. Neither one of us knows what the future holds or what we could be getting ourselves into with this mess Tori is creating. But the one thing we can control is this. Us.
“You’re certain?”
She huffs, rolling her eyes. “I’m certain. Do I need to prove it?”
“That all depends on what you have in mind.” I can’t help the smirk that pulls at my lips and she smiles right back, running her hands up my chest.
“Only good things,” she promises.
“Mmm, I believe that.”
I run my hands down her back, and she must catch on to what I’m doing because when I move to scoop her up by her thighs, she gives a little hop to help, lifting her arms back up to my neck and locking her legs around me once I’ve lifted her up. The new position puts her face slightly higher than mine, and she looks down at me, glancing between my eyes for a moment before leaning down to press her lips to my own.
I groan into her mouth, shifting my hands to grip her ass and pull her closer as she devours my mouth like her life depends on it. Her legs tighten around me and I shift her a little higher so she’s not being jabbed by my hardening dick. One of her hands fists the collar of my shirt, like she can’t get me close enough, and I share the sentiment.
I hold her tight with my left arm, extending the other out to touch the wall so I know where I’m going without separating from her. My fingers skim the wall as I make my way down the hall, taking a right into the first doorway into the living room. I manage to get us to the couch without bumping into anything, and sit down on the seat.
She drops down into my lap, pulling back from the kiss to quirk an eyebrow at me as she feels my fully aroused dick. I shrug helplessly, and she shifts a bit before rolling her hips over me. I drop my head back against the couch with a grunt, eyes closing as I squeeze her thighs.
“Fuck, you’re killing me,” I manage to get out as she rolls her hips again.
She chuckles darkly and shifts off of me as I open my eyes to see her dropping to her knees in front of me and settling between my spread legs. She reaches up to run her fingers just underneath the band of my gray sweatpants, lifting her eyebrows at me expectantly. I must have died and gone to heaven, because her eyes say that we’re done with waiting.
“You don’t have to do that,” I say, but she narrows her eyes at me.
“Pants off, Jameson.”
I can’t help but chuckle at her taking control, but she can have it. For now.
I lift so we’re both able to work my pants down just far enough that my cock springs free, and she gives me a saucy little smile before she leans down and licks the crown, swirling her tongue around it to clean away the pre-cum.