I’m startled from my thoughts when my phone vibrates in my office drawer. Glancing at the time, I fish it out to check, nervous about any updates. It’s the first big meeting between Kat and Jameson and my stomach has been in knots all day.
Jameson: Dipping out early so won’t see you when you leave. See you at 6.
Me: See you soon!
I smile, loving how he always keeps me updated on what’s happening or where he’s going, even though I’ve never asked that of him. I never doubt where we stand because he’s always telling me with his actions, and I’m loving how different he is from every man I’ve been with before.
Work comes to an end and I take a deep breath as I gather my things, trying to mentally prepare myself for the evening. I know that Kat is super excited to meet him, and I’m happy about that, but I’m also super worried that she’ll reveal too much or they won’t end up liking each other.
I stress my whole walk home instead of calming myself down. When I push into my apartment and walk down the hall I find Kat already there, sitting on the couch and watching television like she owns the place. She’s wearing a cute summer dress with red flowers on it that’s very tame compared to how she usually dresses, with barely a peek of cleavage from her ample chest.
I lean against the doorframe, lifting an eyebrow at her. “Well you sure clean up nice.”
“I wanted to make sure he felt comfortable.”
I squint at her, wondering who this woman that’s pretending to be my best friend could be. “Bullshit. You’re playing the sweet girl card so you can catch him by surprise when he meets you the next time. The dress isn’t going to cut it, your mouth will give you away.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
She’s my person, my only person, since my parents passed when I was a teen and left me with no other family, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t frustrate the hell out of me sometimes.I point two fingers at my eyes before swiveling my hand around to point them at her. “Don’t you fuck this up for me or I will end you.”
“Bitch, I’m the one that was begging you to give this poor man another chance,” she says with an eye roll. “And speaking of begging, have you given that poor man a bone yet? Let him bury his bone? However you’d like to say it.”
“It’s only been a couple weeks,” I say with an eye roll of my own, making my way farther down the hall towards my room as I call back, “and it’s hard enough to resist him without you trying to help so leave it alone.”
She snorts in response, following me down the hall and sits on my bed while I go into my closet. “You were practically writing sonnets about the man’s dick. I’m honestly shocked you’ve lasted this long.”
I poke my head around the door frame to glare at her before I change into the dress I chose for tonight. I haven’t let her in on the events that unfolded after I tried to just go home after a hard day at work, so she can’t give me shit for that. “I’m perfectly capable of holding out, okay?”
“But why would you want to? You’re completely enamored with him, so just roll with it.”
I sigh as I step from the closet. “Maybe. I dunno, I’m still nervous.” I motion to myself. “Is this okay?”
“Amelia,” she says, her tone hard like she’s mad at me.
“What?” I ask, raising my eyebrows.
“That man has seen you naked, has had his face buried in your pussy, and made you orgasm until you lost count. He won’t give a shit what you’re wearing so long as it ends up on the floor at the end of the night. Put the poor man out of his misery before he develops a hand callus.”
I can’t help the laugh that busts out of me at her words, and she joins in until we’re both dabbing tears from our eyes. When I get enough oxygen to respond, I shoot her a look.
“I love you to death and beyond, and I think you’re absolutely hilarious, but if you say something like that while he’s here…” I meet her eyes and drag a finger across my throat.
She scoffs in response. “I would never! It would be uncomfortable talking about it with him there… his face that was buried in your pussy right there.”
“Kat!” I chide, swatting her arm even though I’m laughing. “Stop talking about my pussy!”
“Why? It’s the most action you’ve let it have in weeks,” she grins wickedly, proud of her joke and I scoff.
“I have food to cook, you devil woman.” I turn and leave her laughing at her own joke. I go to the kitchen and pull out everything I need and put my apron on to keep my dress clean. Kat comes to sit at the table while I get everything ready, and we fall into our normal back and forth as I move around the kitchen.
I glance at the clock, knowing he’ll be here at any minute now.
“Can you please just behave for once in your life?” I beg while I stir the pasta sauce.
Why the fuck did I decide to cook again? I rarely cook in the first place, and now that he’s coming, and he’s meeting my crazy ass bestie I’m doubting myself and wishing we’d just gone out to eat instead.
“What do you mean, behave? I have to grill him to make sure he’s good enough for you!”