“Long,” I say against his chest, because it’s the truth. They’re not giving us a lot of turnaround time with this project, so we’re all trying to hit specific completion goals before we leave for the day. It’s exhausting, stressful, and every time they do this shit to us, I just want to quit. “How about yours? And what is that wonderful smell?”

“It was good. Vegetable chili and cornbread.” My stomach rumbles and he steps back, holding my arms as he grins down at me. “Sounds like your stomach is happy with my offering.”

“That sounds euphoric, so yes, my stomach is very happy,” I say with a smirk, and he turns back towards the stove, chuckling.

“It’s ready, you little minx. Sit.”

He makes us both a bowl while I sit at the island, and places mine in front of me as he cuts us each a piece of cornbread. The first bite of the chili truly is euphoric, and I moan around my spoon. He lifts a brow, smirking.

“You keep doing that and you’re not gonna make it through that bowl without finishing something else first.”

I choke back a laugh, trying not to cough chili everywhere, and shove his arm as he comes around the island to sit beside me. “Oh hush! It’s good. Where did you learn to cook like that?”

“Both my mom and dad love to cook. They aren’t chefs by any means, but they’ve both always made sure I knew what I was doing in the kitchen, so I was able to fend for myself when I was younger, and win over a woman in the future.”

“Well, they did an exceptional job raising a man that would drive any woman mad.” The words are out of my mouth before I realize what I’m saying, and I cringe. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—“

“It’s okay.” He squeezes my thigh. “I know you didn’t mean anything by it. I think Tori would have found someone to latch onto regardless. Something tells me that there’s just something off in her head that’s made her this way. I don’t think it’s personal. I was just in the right place at the right time to become her new obsession.”

“You’re probably right,” I agree. “Any sane person would have backed off a long time ago. I’m sorry that you’re having to deal with her, regardless. No one deserves to feel uncomfortable in their own home, or like they can’t do anything without feeling like they’re being watched.

“You especially don’t deserve to feel like your ‘no’ is not enough. As a woman, I know exactly what that part feels like, and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. That’s why I gave you the key this morning, because I want you to have a place where you can feel free from all of that. Comfortable. Safe. But if it was too much, if it made you uncomfortable—“

I’m silenced as he grips my neck, pulling me to him, so he can crash his lips over mine. I gasp against his lips, taken completely off guard by the motion, but melt underneath his touch regardless. He kisses me thoroughly, making me feel like I’m floating before he pulls away, pressing his forehead to mine.

“It didn’t make me uncomfortable. It made me happy.”


“Really,” he begins, opening his mouth to say more, but his phone rings and we pull apart as he looks down at the screen. “It’s my mom. I’ve got to take this just in case.” I know he’s nervous every time she calls now because of what happened with his dad, so I have no problem putting a pause on our conversation.

“Of course.” He presses a kiss to my hair before swiping his finger across the screen and putting it to his ear.

“Hey Mom. How are you?”

He’s silent for a moment as she replies, and while I can pick up the rise and fall of her voice, I can’t hear what she’s saying.

“I’m glad to hear that,” she says something else and he nods even though she can’t see him and it makes me smile. “I know you’re worried, but I’m okay. They’re looking for her, and I’m not where she should be able to find me even if she’s still around.”

She asks something—I can tell from her tone—and I watch as the tips of his ears redden, and he rubs the back of his neck. Well, this is new. I’ve never seen him embarrassed before.

“Well, you remember me mentioning Amelia, right? Yeah. Yup. That’s her.” He pauses. “Yes, right now,” he grimaces, glancing at me. “I’m not going to make her do that. Mom, I really don’t think—“

“It’s okay,” I whisper, and hold out my hand. “She’s a protective mother, trying to make sure that her son is safe. I’ll talk to her.”

He sighs, holding my gaze for several long seconds before he extends the phone out to me. I take it, putting it to my ear as I pull in a breath to steady myself. I really don’t want to fuck this up, but know that she needs the reassurance. I would in her position, too, being away from my only child knowing the shit that he’s dealing with right now.

“Hello Mrs. King. This is Amelia.”

“You sound as beautiful as he says you are,” are her first words to me, and I can’t help but laugh at how quickly she exposes him. She laughs with me and then finally asks, “He’s safe, right?”

“Yes. The door is locked and latched, and as far as we know she has no idea where I live. If she somehow shows up, she’ll have me to contend with.”

I glance at Jameson, and the way that he’s looking at me makes my breath get stuck in my throat. There’s far more emotion there than I’ve ever seen in his eyes, and I can’t pinpoint exactly what it is, but it’s heavy.

“Good. You’ll keep my boy safe for me?”

“Always,” I say softly, searching his face, trying to figure out what I’m seeing there.