“That sassy ass mouth.”

Tonight is my weekly meet up with Theo, and instead of blowing him off, Amelia asked me invite him to her place instead. We also invite Kat over, so it should be really interesting to see how the two of them get along. We’ve got a ton of food and copious amounts of alcohol so this will either be a blast or a hot mess. Only time will tell.

Amelia is buzzing around the apartment like there are a million things to get done before they get here, even though we’ve already set everything up, so I know that she must be worrying. She’s finding the most minuscule things to do, like suddenly needing to deep clean the blades of every ceiling fan she owns, and it’s taking everything in me not to pin her to the couch until they get here.

“Amelia,” I finally say, her eyes flick down to me from where she’s perched on the step stool before she looks back up at what she’s doing.

“Hmm?” she hums, like she’s super focused on this task, which I’m sure she is, but it makes me chuckle. “What’s so funny?” she asks, pausing to glare down at me.

“Will you take my word that everything is going to be okay, or does my kitten need an orgasm to calm her down?”

“Jameson,” she grumbles, and I can tell that there’s a smart ass reply on the tip of her tongue right before there’s a knock on the door. She scrambles to get off the stool, and I have to reach out and grab her arm to keep her from toppling over. I use the grip to tug her to me, lifting my other hand to brush her hair behind her ear before I press my lips to it.

“Don’t make me haul your ass to the bedroom and spank that ass while they’re here, kitten. Everything will be fine. I just need you to breathe.” She draws in a breath, softening under my touch, so I let her go, stepping back so I can see her flushed cheeks. “Go put this away, and I’ll get the door.”

She nods, quickly folding up the stool to go put it away, and I chuckle under my breath. It’s almost comical to see the things that get under her skin, but I completely understand where she’s coming from with this one. Our best friends are both sassy, loud, and opinionated. They’re either going to love or hate one another.

When I pull the door open, I’m surprised to find them both there, standing with their arms crossed and looking anywhere but at each other. Well, this isn’t a great start to the evening, but there’s plenty of time to fix whatever it is that’s going on here. I step back, motioning them inside.

“Thank you both for coming. Best behavior, yeah?” I look pointedly at Theo, before sliding my gaze over to Kat. She sighs, dropping her arms to her sides as she steps past me.

“Whatever,” she breathes, and I can’t help but watch her retreating form as she moves down the hall.

“What did you do?” I ask, swinging my gaze back to Theo.

His face pinches and he rolls his eyes. “Why do you immediately assume that it’s me that did something?”

I raise my eyebrows at him, and he sighs. He opens his mouth to say something, but rushed voices are coming from the kitchen, and then I hear Amelia gasp.

“What?!” she says loudly, and I spin on my heel, leaving Theo to come in and close the door. She’s laughing by the time I reach the doorway, bent at the waist and clutching the edge of the island as she dabs at her eyes.

“What the hell is going on?” I ask, my hackles rising with how everyone is acting, and Amelia draws in a deep breath to get herself under control.

Kat swings around, jabbing her finger at Theo over my shoulder. “Last year I walked in on my boyfriend in bed with him.”

Oh, fuck.

I glance at Theo as he steps into the room to find his cheeks red, and his hands held up in front of him like that will calm Kat down. “I had no idea he was with anyone, I swear, let alone that he was trying to pull off that he was straight.”

“I had to see his dick in your ass!” I don’t think it’s possible, but Theo blushes even harder. Amelia snorts, falling into laughter again, and Kat rolls her eyes. “You wouldn’t be laughing like that if it was your boyfriend fucking him.”

Amelia splutters, glancing at Theo before glaring at Kat. “You barely even tolerated him, Kat! Besides, you admitted that you thought it was hot, so I don’t know why you have your panties in such a twist.”

Kat gasps, shoving Amelia’s shoulder. “Bitch, you did not just say that.”

Amelia sticks her tongue out at her. “You’re not going to torture him over some douche that didn’t deserve either one of you. I’m sure it was awkward enough when the situation itself happened, and embarrassed him enough then. So how about we just let it go, forget that asshole even existed, and move on to having a good night, okay?”

Kat glares at her for a moment, whilst Theo and I hold our breath as we watch them. She finally huffs out a sigh, rolling her eyes again. “Fine.”

It’s like we all take a collective breath, and everything is good. Amelia pulls Kat into her, squeezing her, and Kat grumbles like she hates it, but hugs her back nonetheless. Theo is silent beside me, probably afraid to bring attention to himself, but Amelia looks over at him and pulls one of her arms free to hold it out to him.

He shakes his head, holding up a hand, and Amelia narrows her eyes at him. I give him a little shove in their direction, and he stumbles, glaring at me.

“Don’t deny my woman when she’s trying to help you make amends,” I say pointedly, and with a sigh he steps over to them. Kat raises her gaze as Amelia pulls him in, and doesn’t hesitate to put her arm over his shoulder with Amelia’s.

“She’s right, he was a piece of shit.”

“He was,” Theo agrees.