“But nothing athletic,” I reminded him.

“Before we go, I wanted to ask you a favor anyway.”

“Anything, omega. What can I do for you?”

“Mark me.”

I began to lift him, to carry him to the bed, but he leaned in to me. “No, Stone. Here.”

“And if the chair breaks?”

“It’s only an old chair. I’m willing to risk it.”

It involved some shuffling of clothing, but then I was nestled in his ass crack, his slick guiding me toward the hot hole where I wanted most to be. He was always tight and welcoming, and this time, we were going to make it official. We were mates, and we knew it, but his requesting I mark him?

A knee on either side of me, he rose and fell, caressing my cock with his body while I reached between us to stroke and bring him along with me, and we both came fast, cum filling him and spurting over both our chests. As my knot swelled, I bent and sank my teeth into the side of his neck, marking him mine. We cuddled together then on the chair that had not broken and was apparently fine for anything athletic.

Chapter Twelve


Tonight, in his arms, I instantly fell asleep. I didn’t actively concentrate on not dream walking or use any of the methods my grandmother taught me to avoid it. Not because I was intending on popping into my mate’s brain or anything like that, but I simply forgot. It had been a long day, and my body was just so exhausted. More tired than it should be. But after a week of cleaning up the mess, I could barely stay awake.

When I found myself awake, sitting in a field I’d never been to before, I instantly recognized it as a dream. It was realer than the ones I usually had, and my brain was definitely more “awake” than normal. A sense of guilt washed over me as Stone came into view. I was invading his space.

“There you are.” He waved me over. “You’ve been gone a while.”

“I have?” I’d just gotten into this scene, or so I thought. Maybe I hadn’t, or possibly I was filling the role of myself in a dream that had already started. I should’ve paid far more attention to my grandmother than I had.

“Yeah, you have. The babies need you.”

“The babies need me?” I looked left, and we were no longer in the field.

Now we were in a house I didn’t recognize, looking down at two bassinets. Each one of them had a baby in it, or at least a baby form. I couldn’t see their faces or fingers. Everything that was covered by their sleepers was crystal clear. The rest? It was barely out of my view. It wasn’t that they were missing like in an old horror movie. I just couldn’t tilt my head to the correct angle to see them.

“Who are these babies?” I asked.

He looked down at me, “Honey, don’t you know?”

I shook my head, “No, tell me. Were they lost in the storm?”

“They’re ours, my love. They’re ours.”

The scene changed again before I could say anything more about that. I wasn’t sure if I left his dream or he left mine, or maybe we hadn’t even been sharing it in the first place. It was so confusing.

But I was back at the cabins this time. For some reason I was grabbing pillows out of the storeroom like my life depended on it. That wasn’t even the weirdest part. I was insisting that they be hung up on a clothesline…a clothesline we didn’t have. I was going to have to build it. and in the way you only can in dreams, I instantly knew how to accomplish the task.

“Do you need some help with that?” I looked over to see one of the regulars from the cabins standing there. A kangaroo who hadn’t been around this season yet. Dream me didn’t care that he was coming in a couple of weeks. Dream me decided I needed to see him now. Dreams were weird.

“I don’t know. I really don’t know.” None of this scene made sense. Why was I messing with our stock of pillows and a clothesline of all things. I wasn’t sure I’d ever even used one before. If I had, it would’ve been when I was a small boy.

“I remember when I was expecting my first one.” The kangaroo was looking at my belly.

When I dropped my glance to see what he was looking at, there was no mistaking what it was. I was pregnant. Not even a little bit, either. I was super-duper mega pregnant. My belly was the size of a small island.

“What the fuck?” I willed myself awake.

It didn’t work.