“Okay, then. Here we go. Zoom. Zoom.” I ran the shark over the surface of the water where most of the bubbles had already popped. “Sharky’s looking for his prey. He likes big juicy worms sometimes. Zoom. Zoom.”
Maddy began to giggle uncontrollably. “I got a worm!”
“Where? Show us.”
Maddy put his hands down into the water and lifted his hips. His hard cock stood up nearly straight. It was still as hard as when he’d gone into the tub.
“Here comes the hungry Sharky.” I made the shark zoom up and leap into the air. Then I aimed the toy for the tip of Maddy’s cock.
The shark’s mouth began to swallow him.
Maddy giggled louder.
The entire shark was actually a glorified fleshlight. A sheath for adult tub play.
“Maddy, hold the base of your pee-pee so it points straight up. Then Sharky can swallow you whole.”
Maddy grabbed his cock and I pushed Sharky straight down onto it. My boy’s eyes rolled right up and he fell back in the water. So perfect. So ready to be properly washed.
He leaned his head against the back of the tub, eyes slits now.
I moved Sharky gently up and down his hard cock. “Here we go. Just cleaning and cleaning. Can you feel the spongy insides cleaning you?”
Heaving his breath now, he replied. “Yes, Daddy.”
I moved Sharky a little faster, milking him from base to tip. Between Sharky’s teeth, I could see the redness of his delicate skin at the head and along his shaft. He was so close, having held himself back, like me, all day.
My own cock pressed painfully at my pants. But it was going to have to wait.
I moved Sharky faster and faster until Maddy’s face scrunched up. “It’s cleaning me, it’s cleaning me,” he wheezed.
I was so pleased with his openness and willingness to do this for me. In front of me. When before he’d acted too shy to undress all the way.
I gave Sharky a few more tries at eating his prey whole when I saw, on the way back up to the tip, Maddy’s shaft begin to throb. I milked the shark’s mouth on his pee-pee up and down, only going halfway, knowing that would get the most from him.
Maddy gave a few eeps, then some long moans as he came into Sharky’s mouth.
When I pulled Sharky all the way off, his cock was still dribbling white milk.
I lifted my voice in praise. “That’s great. Let’s rinse all that off.”
“Oh my,” he said under his breath. “Oh my.”
I splashed water on his spent dick, the tip still red, still shiny.
“Time to get you out now.”
Maddy could barely stand at first. He leaned into me. “Oh my,” he said again.
“You like bath time?”
“I do with you,” he replied.
I wrapped him in a big towel, dried him gently, then led him back to my bed where I held him until he slept, my erection pulsing against my boxers all night long.
Only late into the night did I remember the diaper pack in his overnight bag. I’d forgotten to ask him if he wanted a diaper. But we had time for that. And more.
We had all week.