Maddy had grown to trust me in such a short time. As we watched TV and digested our huge junk food meal, he inched himself closer and closer to me on the bed until he could rest his head on my shoulder.
I put my arm around him and pulled him closer.
“That was the best pizza ever,” he said softly.
“It’s from my favorite place.”
He tilted his face up to mine. “Will you kiss me, Daddy?”
I leaned down and kissed him gently, close-mouthed, on the lips. If you didn’t count the kisses I gave him to his cheek and forehead, it was only our third kiss.
It sent me spiraling. I pulled back, my body reeling.
“More, Daddy.” He curled into me.
I kissed him again, this time opening my lips and daring to lick his. He was as sweet as I imagined. Moreso now that he was in my bed and we were doing this. But I had to hold back. Maddy still needed more time to heal. He might tell me his neck didn’t hurt, but those bruises were not something to take lightly.
Maddy’s hand trailed along my thigh. I let it move for a few seconds before grabbing his wrist and stilling that movement.
Maddy grunted against my mouth, pulling back slightly.
“It’s still too early.” My voice came out low. Supportive. “You need at least another night. Those bruises are bad.”
“Just don’t touch me there and we’ll be fine.” There was a slight pleading tone to his words.
I knew myself well. When I got into a boy, I’ll admit, I might lose control. I liked to love my boys completely, all over, and when I got really into it I didn’t stop until satisfied. I wanted to know that Maddy was ready. And healthy. Giving pain to my boys was not my thing except for a bit of sweet spanking on bare bottoms now and again.
“Maybe tomorrow.” I kissed the side of his head.
“I can’t promise. But I can assure you we will assess the situation carefully.”
“I will be ready. I will.”
“Glad to hear it.” Of course, I was. I didn’t want to wait. It was killing me.
“Can I have a bath, Daddy?”
I shut my eyes and smiled. He was going to be a handful and a half tonight, and I was going to have to assert all the self-control I possessed.
I filled the tub with bubbles. Maddy leaned over the side, already playing with them. “Is it ready? Can I get in?”
I looked at him, making a face. “First you have to undress.”
“Yeah. Fuck. Almost forgot.”
“You know little boys don’t say fuck, right?”
He nodded solemnly. “Do Daddies say fuck?”
I laughed. “Sometimes. We’re allowed.”
“Because you’re the adult in the situation.”
“That’s exactly right.”
He was going to be a great playmate. And lover.