Page 55 of Beast Mode Jake


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I was completely movedin dog and all within a week with help from a service of course and we settled into a routine.

It wasn’t the same as before, it was better. We talked even more now if that were possible, but this time I made sure she wasn’t holding anything back from me.

It took me another two weeks to get the truth of what had happened that made her believe I’d hurt her by choosing another woman over her.

The PI I’d hired had found someone much too close for comfort and I only got the report the night before. It was too late in the evening by then but I plan on taking care of it first thing this morning.

When I woke up she wasn’t next to me, which was strange because I always get up before her after a long night of fucking.

I saw that the light in the bathroom was on and when she didn’t come out in ten minutes I called for her. “Are you okay in there?” I had to ask twice and by the second time I was at the door. She opened it with a look of astonishment on her face.

“What is it, what happened?” She lifted her hand and showed me the plastic stick with the little blue line.

“Are you … I’m gonna be a dad?”

“Uh-hmm.” She cried and threw her arms around me. I held the back of her head protectively and let the news sink in.

The dream truly was real. I wonder if I should tell her that she was having a daughter or let it be a surprise? I liked knowing though that way I could prepare myself.

Of course I took her back to bed, forgetting everything else for now. Right now I just wanted to be inside my wife.

I bit down on her wedding ring as I slid into her pussy. The ring I’d put back on her finger that first Monday after we came back.

She came on the third stroke and her pussy pulled at me trying to get more of the seed that bred her. I fucked her nice and slow with one leg raised in the air and the other stretched across the bed spreading her pussy open so I could fuck deep.

When I came I planted my cock deep and held it there until my balls were drained. We spent the next five minutes tongue wrestling with each other but then I had to go.

What I had to do couldn’t wait, though I didn’t want to leave her right now. I always used to try to imagine what knowing my child was growing inside her would be like. Now I know.

If I was protective of her before, the feelings in me now were multiplied by a thousand. I almost didn’t know what to do with myself.

I held her as she came down from her orgasms then placed a kiss over her ovaries. “I know why you didn’t get pregnant before.”

“Why, because of my tubes?”

“No, obviously we didn’t need to put ourselves through that nightmare again. No, if you’d left me and carried my child off somewhere away from me they’d still be looking for your body. Remember that shit the next time you lose your mind.”

I smacked her ass so she’d know I was kidding, sorta and headed for the shower. As expected she followed me in there not long after and we ended up fucking again, only shorter and harder this time.

I’ll have to ask the doctor about deep fucking her while she’s pregnant, but that’s a conversation I’m not looking forward to having. Though to keep her safe I’d do it.

I left after making sure she was okay and didn’t need anything. Her driver was back on call and the cleaning lady will be there all day so I knew she wasn’t going to be alone.

I still had the laptop where I could watch over her while I was away, but I still felt more comfortable having someone in the house while I was gone.

I got to the office before my secretary and waited in my office for her to show up. I had the report from the PI on my desk along with all the evidence I needed.

I heard her come in half an hour after I did and called her in to the office. “Dana can you come in here please?”

“Sir?” She stood in the doorway.

“Have a seat.” Her eyes went immediately to the printout I had on the desk. I saw fear and calculation come into her eyes and she looked around for an escape.

“I should break your fucking neck.” She opened her mouth to speak but I cut her off. “Save it, I know everything. What I don’t know is how you came to choose me and my life to fuck up.”