Page 52 of Beast Mode Jake

She cooed and fucked my face with her pussy, grinding her cunt into my mouth with each suck of my tongue.

I soothed her clit as well, taking it into my mouth and sucking before driving my tongue back into her again.

Her hands massaged my head as her hips moved slowly. I made her cum before licking my way up her body until our eyes met.

Looking down into her eyes I took her face in my hands and kissed her with all the love and tenderness I had inside me for her.

Our eyes were locked when I slid my cock as gently and slowly into her as was possible. Her breathing picked up again and her hands came to my shoulders.

I didn’t have to tell her to move, her ass found its rhythm and she moved beneath me, accepting my cock, accepting me.

I saw what I needed to in her eyes and was finally satisfied. I was able to let go and make love to her then. Slow, sweet passionate love like we used to share.

She held me close as I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into me, as I loved her. Our lips never parted and it was as if we’d both been starving for that shared intimacy.

My cock felt huge inside her warm tightness, but it also felt like we’d come home he and I. Back to the place where we belonged. Deep inside her.

“I love you Jacob.”

“I know you little fool. I love you too.” I held her tight and rolled, putting her on top of me. “Ride my cock.”

I held onto her hip with one hand while leaving the other wrapped around her nape to pull her down to my mouth. I helped her move her hips back and forth as she rode my cock deep.

It was slow, deep, sensual and full of passion. I pulled her down completely on my chest and held her as her ass moved up and down on my long cock.

“I’m going to cum inside you tonight and every night from now on. And you will have my baby some day soon.” Her pussy tightened up at my words and she found my lips again.

We kissed our way through her first orgasm and I held still until she came down before rolling once again and putting her on her back.

“Can you feel me in you?”

“Yes, you’re so deep baby.”

“Does it still hurt angel?” I kissed her lips sweetly and brushed her hair back so I could look into her eyes.

She shook her head no and fucked herself on my cock moving her hips round and round and back and forth.

I felt her every move on my cock and was close to cumming. “I love you.” I said the words in her ear just as my cock started shooting off inside her.

Her body shook with her own orgasm and I held her close as she went into spasms, shaking and screaming as I felt her hot juice coat my cock and run out of her. I pushed my cock deep and held still, planting my seed deep into her womb.