Page 23 of Beast Mode Jake

According to how I handle this, this shit might go south fast. Why had I convinced myself that she wouldn’t be here today? This was always our favorite place on the weekend.

Somehow I’d got it into my head that since I was no longer visiting those places neither was she. I guess I was wrong.

I had to remind myself that we were no longer married and there was no reason for me to feel guilty for sitting here with any woman, even one that I had no interest in. But I know her. Fuck!

I actually gave serious thought to getting up and leaving before she saw us, because I knew what was coming next. But again I reminded myself that she had no say in who or what I did.

She was at the hostess stand, no doubt asking for our usual table and from the hand movements I guess I was right.

Oh I bet she’s gonna lose her mind watch this shit. I watched her turn from the podium and I looked dead at her.

I noticed part of her posse in her entourage and swore silently. Some of those women aren’t exactly polished if you know what I mean. And I was not in the mood for a showdown.

“Is everything okay sir?” I’d all but forgotten the woman sitting across from me. She turned to look in the direction my gaze had been focused in for the last two minutes or so before looking back at me questioningly.

I had no idea whether she knew my ex or not, it’s not something I discuss with the help. But her face had lost some of its animation when she turned back around.

I didn’t think anything of it when she reached out and put her hand over mine. Her words were pretty mundane, but I was the only one who knew that.

Anyone watching us might mistake it for a more intimate exchange. “Do you know that woman sir? Should I call her over for you?”

I didn’t look away from Jillian who was glaring in my direction. Her eyes flicked to Dana sitting across from me, down to the hand that still covered mine, and I saw the change come over her. Oh hell!

I pulled my hand out from under Dana’s and told her in a calm but forceful way that the meeting was over and she should go.

I didn’t take my eyes off my ex; because no sane man takes his eyes off a snake that he knows is about to strike.

“I think we’ve done enough for today. I’ll take care of these first thing Monday morning.” She gathered up her stuff and it was only as she put her hand on my shoulder before leaving that I realized this was all shit we could’ve done over the computer.

I still hadn’t taken my eyes off my ex, not even when she clocked Dana on her way to the opposite door and out.

I expected her to come over, throw my drink in my face; make a scene. She’s not known for being rational and if there’s one thing I know it’s that she has a jealous streak a mile wide. Shit she doesn’t even like her friends being alone with me unless she’s there.

So I braced myself for what comes next. Expecting at the very least to get chewed out, once again for something I’m not guilty of.

What I did not expect was for her shoulders to droop, her eyes to get sad, and to see her turn and walk back out the door with her friends following behind her after shooting me death glares over their shoulders.

Okay what the fuck just happened there? As a man who’d been married to a nut, I know how it feels to feel guilt even when you’ve done nothing wrong.

But seriously, she’s not my wife. Why the fuck should I care what she feels? Why does she still have this kind of power over me?

I sat there long enough to sign for my bill before leaving. I cussed her all the way to my car and told myself I wasn’t going after her, I didn’t care.

Isn’t this what I wanted? The reason I went away in the first place? I was halfway to my old home before I realized that I’d just automatically done that shit.

I slammed my fist into the steering wheel and cussed a blue streak. A family in a suburban gave me the wary eye but I couldn’t stop to think how I must look.

Speeding down the highway, cussing at the top of my lungs even though they couldn’t hear me through the closed windows, and slamming the fuck out of the wheel.

I peeled into her driveway and only grew more pissed when I saw the line of cars, which meant her girls were here.

I slammed my fist against the door until one of her henchwomen opened it for me. “Not now Amelia.” I cut her off before she could say whatever it was she was about to.

My ex nut was sitting on the couch with a box of tissues and the other three women gathered around her.

It looked like a damn wake in here. The women all gave me looks, which only pissed me off more. How is it she fucked up but I’m the bad guy? Fucking females.

“You guys wanna give us a minute?” I asked the room at large. She nodded her head at them and I had to listen to threats against my manhood as they each headed out the door.