Page 19 of Beast Mode Jake

After that day, after much soul searching, I’d decided to let her go. She’d betrayed me and there was no forgiving that. Not for me anyway.

I know now that she hadn’t expected me to just walk away and not look back. I have no doubt that she’d expected me to come back for her, or at the very least contest the divorce. One last ditch effort to save the marriage she’d burned.

Instead I’d turned cold and shut her out completely. In the end I let my lawyers do the talking and had refused to even look at her that last day in her lawyer’s office.

I should’ve known that she being who she is would never let shit end on that note. I am also sure that if she’d loved me half as much as I’d loved her, she had to be missing our time together.

I’m pretty sure it was her pride that had kept her away this long, not that I’d sat around waiting for her to come to her senses.

When I said I was done I really was done. I had no idea in the beginning how hard it was going to be to move on from what we had though.

I thought for sure, even though I was in no rush, that when the time was right I’d find someone else. It didn’t take me long to realize that was a fucking lie.

I’m not sure what finally pushed her ass to come sniffing after me again. But I know all her tells. What’s going on with her right now is, she’s finally figured out that she fucked up so she wants me to bury my head in the sand and pretend she didn’t fuck me over.

She’s not gonna say sorry, she never does. I blame her over indulgent parents for that shit. Her spoilt ass has been getting away with shit since the day she was born.

She’s not purposefully selfish, it’s just who the fuck she is. She thinks life should go according to her plans and everyone in her orbit is supposed to cater to her shit and go along with it.

I’d been happy to play that game up to a point three years ago when we met. Now that I’d been burned by her fucked up mentality I wasn’t about to put myself through that shit again.

That’s not gonna happen. No way will I ever let her get that close to me again. Fucking her sweet ass into next week is all well and good, but once my emotions start taking me back there, to a place I once thought was good but had turned to shit, that’s where I draw the line.