Page 14 of Beast Mode Jake


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I puther in the sixty-nine for a good hour to ease the pain in her red pussy, and when I was ready to cum held her head in place while I spilled in her mouth.

I ended the night with my fingers in her sore pussy, finger fucking her to orgasm one last time while she stroked the last ounce of my seed from my cock.

The sun had been coming up when we finally fell into sleep, that’s why she’s spread out on the bed looking like she’d been worked over.

Now I’m here wondering what I’m doing in her bed. I’d had all plans on leaving once I’d had my fill, but by the time I rolled away from her the last time I was ass tired.

If there’s one thing about my baby, she can work her little virgin pussy like a pro. It’s not the first time she’d put me on my ass after a night in the sack.

Now that she wasn’t awake and looking at me I was able to take her in fully, and realized then how much I’d missed her face. I almost reached out to touch her cheek.

To run a finger gently down her flesh the way I’ve done a thousand times. But in the end I had the good sense to pull back.

The birds were still chirping outside the bedroom window and rays of sunlight came through the circular windows in the raised sitting room area. Maybe that’s what had awakened me.

I looked around the room with a sense of melancholic longing. It reminded me of one of our many long lost weekends mornings spent in bed.

Saturdays and Sundays we never got out of bed until three in the afternoon. We’d spend all morning making love and catching up on our week, filling in the hours we’d been apart because of my business and her charities.

Then we’d shower together before going to the club or one of her favorite restaurants for brunch. After which I’d take her shopping because that was her second favorite pastime after fucking.

I used to put everything I could into those two days. I knew she needed attention and lots of it. So when I was with her, business was always put on the backburner, no matter what I had going on.

It’s not like it was a hardship. I loved spending time with her. Since I seemed to be the only one other than her girls who got her, she used to suck up all that attention.

I was a captive audience, because I loved watching her antics while she talked. I loved looking at her, seeing the animated light in her eyes over the simplest things.

I’d loved her more than I’ve ever loved anything in my life. She was my world… Oh fuck this Jacob, no. Do not go there. No fucking trips down memory lane you fuck.

So what are you doing in her bed? What the fuck’s next you ass? I had no plans on ever spending the night in her bed this go round and I sure as fuck wasn’t taking her to brunch anywhere.

I lied there next to her fuming. I should’ve known not to get tangled up with her again. Six months after the divorce and just when I was starting to get my life back on track here she comes with her shit.

Now I’m back on her tit like a fucking kid. Running each time she called like a dog on a leash. And I think I fucked her more last night than I did the first night of our honeymoon. Or any other night for that matter.

I gave her the stink eye while she was still asleep. She must’ve missed my warmth next to her because she rolled into me and put her hand on my chest.

It only reminded me that I’d awakened with my arms wrapped around her, spooning. It had always been our favorite way to sleep. My baby used to say it made her feel protected, safe.

I loved the way her tiny frame fit so perfectly next to my much larger one. The way when we fucked my body would cover hers completely. Fuck, my morning wood just turned to steel.

What are you doing Jake? You sure you have this shit under control? I’d convinced myself that I could fuck her and not get sucked in again.

But I’d forgotten how much I once loved her. And even after all the anger it seems that love had only cooled slightly. It wasn’t as dead as I thought and I didn’t like the way I felt waking up next to her.

I refused to acknowledge those feelings. I’ve never been a sucker for anyone and I won’t be one for her. Not again.

Of everyone on this earth she’d hurt me the most. I’m fucked if I’m going to let her do that shit again. If anyone’s going to be left for dead this time it’s going to be her ass.

The tent my dick made in the sheets was proof that I was nowhere near ready to give up the skins though, but this time Im determined to play the game, my way.

I had her flat on her back before her eyes came fully open and was sliding my hard cock into her before she came fully awake.

I gritted my teeth against the pleasure once I had about three quarters of my dick buried deep inside her cunt.