Page 9 of Beast Mode Jake

I kept my eyes peeled for any cars that looked out of place on the way there but I saw nothing on the road. Most people in this neighborhood worked.

She was waiting for me when I pulled up but at least this time she was dressed. “I thought I told you to stay inside.”

“I saw you pull up so I knew it was safe.” She looked so cute in her summer dress that hugged her breasts and flared over her hips, leaving her legs and knees bare.

She had on those mile high heels that she couldn’t seem to do without and her makeup was perfect. Nothing suspicious in that, she always dresses like she’s lunching at the country club even on days she just stayed around the house.

I’ve seen her put on full battle gear to go to the supermarket. Her answer when I questioned her, a lady must always look the part no matter what.

It was a lot to go through to run to the damn store for a pint of ice cream in the middle of the damn night.

Especially since I had to wait for her ass a half an hour after she told me she wanted the one flavor of ice cream we didn’t have stocked. Nuts!

I made her stay inside while I checked around the house. I didn’t see anything suspicious so I used my key to open the backdoor.

She’d changed the other locks but forgot this one. I figured since she barely knew where the kitchen was she wouldn’t have remembered this one and I was right.

She was walking into the kitchen just when I came in and I couldn’t help appreciating just how beautiful she is. I had to admit that it still stung that she was no longer mine no mater what I tell myself.

I wanted to pull her into my arms and kiss her the way I used to kiss my wife every evening when I came through the door.

For the briefest of seconds I actually felt that little blip in my heart I used to then too. I closed my eyes and wished the images away and focused on the here and now.