Page 2 of Beast Mode Jake

I used to take the time to bring her back to her senses, but that was the last fucking straw. She never even gave me a chance.

Now she’s calling me for who knows what, and I’m thinking I should just ignore her ass. I hate her I love her I can’t live without her.

But I’ll be damned if I’m going to get myself tangled up with her brand of crazy again. My gut twisted with indecision. Shit, what the hell does she want now?

I looked at the readout on my phone again and shook my head as I let it go to voicemail. That is one crazy bitch.

I went back to work, putting her out of my mind. At least I should say I tried to. But she wasn’t that easy to forget. I should know; I’ve been trying to do that shit for six months.

Now that she was trying to reach me I can admit to myself at least that all my efforts were in vain. I never really got over her and she was never too far from my mind.

Even when I wasn’t thinking about her she was there; she was a part of me and always will be. And that’s the shit that fucks with my head.

I’m not weak, never have been. So why then, when it was so easy for her to cast me aside, did I find it so hard to let her go? Fuck! Not this shit again. Haven’t I already walked this fucking walk?

The phone on my desk rang five minutes later and I knew who it was before my secretary announced it. I wish my fucking heart would calm the fuck down.

Seriously? You don’t remember the number she did on us? Now I’m talking to my heart like it’s a separate person. And so it begins. My ticket to a ride on the crazy train.

“Your wife is on line one sir.”

“I don’t have a wife. Tell her I’m busy.”

I ignored the sound of pleasure in her voice when she said ‘yes sir’ and tried not to think what my ex could possibly want.

It had to be very important for her to swallow that pride of hers to call. But I satisfied myself with the fact that if it was a matter of life or death someone would’ve alerted me by now.

By the time I left the office for the day I’d all but put her out of my mind. I just wanted a hot shower a congratulatory glass of cognac for the business merger I just successfully closed and a game on the tube.

At least my time was my own now and I didn’t have to traverse the maze of bullfuckery I had to when I was married to the social butterfly of the year.

No more social gatherings that I could do without. No late nights before early morning meetings. And most importantly, no smiling in the face of the fake ass members of the local high society.