“It’s me,” she gasped out. She recognized the man coming after her as Carmine, the leader of the Roulettes. Which was not good for her, since he had been a prize fighter in his youth.

She tried to dart out of his way again, but he got his arms around her. He was as strong as a tree trunk, and there was no breaking free. Not unless she wanted to hurt him, which she did not.

“Wait,” Kierse cried.

“Carmine, no,” Colette said, jerking away from the window. “It’s Kierse.”

Carmine released her immediately, though he looked put out by it. He straightened his suit vest and took a step backward as he ran a hand across his dark gelled hair, cursing under his breath in Spanish.

“What are you doing here, girl?” Colette dropped her gun on the nearby table.

Kierse shifted her attention between Colette and Carmine, not comfortable disclosing information in front of him.

Colette read it immediately. “Carmine, check the entrance Kierse came through. See if anyone followed her in.” She glanced at Kierse one more time and then added, “And grab Corey while you’re at it.”

Carmine grunted and then sketched a small, mocking bow. “At your service, madame.”

When he disappeared through the door, Colette marched across the room and dragged her into a stiff hug. Kierse froze in shock and then loosened. When Colette stepped back, she slapped Kierse across the face. Kierse actually laughed a little as she held her cheek.

“Don’t ever scare me like that again.”

“The great Colette can feel fear?”

“Don’t test me,” she said, but lightly, as if she wasn’t quite used to being this vulnerable.

“I didn’t come to test you. I came for this.” Kierse removed the small backpack Graves had given her and unzipped it.

Colette’s eyes widened when she saw the pile of cash. “Where did you get that?”

She took out half of the money and left it on the side table.

“The less you know, the better.” Kierse waved her away. “This is for you. Keep it safe. Use it in emergencies or if . . . if things go bad.”

Colette didn’t even touch the money. She just stared past it to Kierse. “What have you gotten yourself into?”

“A job. For a very dangerous man.” Kierse removed what she’d used her own money to buy after getting off the subway—a burner phone. “Here.”

Colette took the thing in her hand. “What’s this for?”

“I won’t be able to check in again. It’s not safe.”

“Of course I know it’s not safe, Kierse. When a Dreadlord shows up in my brothel with a letter from Nathaniel O’Connor, I know to pay attention.” She pursed her lips. “Nate and I go back a long way. I sent you to him, after all. Are you going to tell me what’s going on?”

“The less you know, the better,” Kierse told her. “This phone is how you reach me if things get really bad. Don’t let anyone know you have it.”

Colette sank into the chair next to the window. The small phone was still clutched in her hand. “You don’t think you’ll come back.” It must have been written on her face. “Is there anything I can do?”

Kierse shook her head. She zipped the backpack closed and slung it over her shoulder again. “I’m going to take this to Gen and Ethan.”

“So you’re working with the Dreadlords again?” Colette asked. “Nate missed you.”

“I’m working for myself.” Kierse shot her a challenging smile. “Always myself.”

Colette nodded in understanding. “And my daughter?”

“Gen and Ethan are safe with the Dreadlords.”

“And they’re not coming back?” she asked as Corey entered the room.

“No,” Corey said. “Dreadlord security is tighter than any I’ve ever seen.”

Colette looked mildly offended by that. “You’re part of my security.”

“Which is why I can admit that I’d rather my boyfriend stay there if he’s in trouble.” Corey glanced at Kierse then. “He’s in trouble, right?”

Kierse nodded once. “You’ve been discreet when going to see him?”

“Who do you think I am? I don’t fuck with Ethan’s protection. But is he going to be okay?”

Colette cleared her throat. “Of course he is. Who is going to cross the Dreadlords?”

Corey locked his gaze with Kierse’s and waited. She swallowed. She didn’t want to lie. “Gen and Ethan are okay for now, but this is my contingency plan in case it all goes south.”

He nodded reluctantly. “I hate this.”

So did she.

She hated this part, too, and knew he wasn’t going to like it, either.

“Maybe you should go stay there with them. If they’re in trouble, all the Druids have to do is track you to get to them.”

Corey cursed under his breath. “Carmine will never let me . . .”

“Leave Carmine to me,” Colette said.

“You think it’s that bad?” Corey asked.

“I’d rather be safe than sorry.”

She flicked her eyes back to Colette’s. She was worried that she might have to convince the madame as well. But Colette just lifted her chin. “Be safe, girl,” she said low and solemn. “There is darkness in your future.”