She hadn’t known how much she needed to hear that. That someone believed her and would help her figure it out. “Thank you. I’m regretting the last year.”
“Well, when Torra left, I knew it would be bad.”
“Left,” she repeated on a harsh whisper.
Torra hadn’t left. She’d been taken. Sure, they’d been on rough times and would have probably broken up anyway, but then she’d just vanished.
“I know,” he said with a tip of his head. “Either way, it’s good to have you back.”
Exhaustion pressed heavy on her, and she left Nate behind in the infirmary. She’d been downstairs longer than she thought, because when she came back to the room, the lights were still on and Corey was seated in one bed with Ethan. Gen sat on the other.
Gen patted the empty space on the bed next to her. Kierse slid her jacket off her shoulders and climbed into bed beside her friend.
“When do you leave?” Gen asked.
Corey and Ethan whipped their heads to her.
“Leave?” Ethan asked.
“You knew I was going to go?”
“Of course. I know you like I know myself, Kierse. You’re the closest thing I’ve ever had to a sister.”
Kierse swallowed back the knot in her throat. “I feel the same.”
“Wait, you can’t leave tonight,” Ethan argued.
“It’s almost morning,” she said. “And I think you two need to hole up here until I can figure out how much danger you’re in.”
Gen pursed her lips. “I had a feeling you might say that.”
“Live here?” Ethan asked in shock. He was on his feet, crossing his arms. “We can’t live here.”
“You should stay under Dreadlord protection until I can figure out if you’re still in danger.”
“That’s ridiculous,” Corey said, putting a hand on Ethan’s shoulder. “Roulettes can protect Gen and Ethan just fine.”
“They didn’t tonight,” Gen said quietly.
Ethan scowled at them. “We can’t just stay here. All of our stuff is back home. Our entire lives. Who is going to water the plants?”
“My mother can have someone take care of them,” Gen tried to assure him, but he seemed unconvinced. Kierse was, too. Colette had many talents, but making things grow was not one of them.
“You won’t have to stay long,” Kierse insisted. “Once I finish this job, we’ll get our own place with its own security, okay? Until then, I just want you to be safe.”
Corey sighed when he realized she wasn’t budging. “Kierse is right. You’ll be safe here. I can bring stuff over from the attic. Some of your favorite plants, too.”
Ethan gaped at his boyfriend. “You’re okay with this?”
“I’m sorry, Ethan,” Kierse said. “I wish there was another way.”
“I’ll be around. Don’t worry,” Corey said as he pressed a kiss to Ethan’s cheek. “It won’t be all bad.”
“I bet Nate would even give you access to the roof for new planting,” Gen said. “You know how he is. He’d want you to be comfortable.”
Ethan sighed. “Fine. Fine, we’ll stay.”
“We’ll see you soon.” Gen pulled her into a hug.
Even after years of being friends with all of Gen’s warmth and good nature, Kierse still froze. It wasn’t really the touch that was the problem. Not as casual as her friends usually were. It was the intimacy of the touch. This wasn’t just a hug. It was a hug goodbye. It was a hug that said I love you.
But she needed this hug. So, she let the tension pass and hugged her friend back.
“I won’t tell you to be careful,” Ethan said.
Kierse shot him a confident smile. “I’m always careful.”
He snorted. “We all know that you won’t be.”
“For real,” Corey said.
Kierse crossed the room. “At least you know me.”
Ethan sighed. “We’ll be careful enough for you, okay? Just come back soon.”
She nodded because words wouldn’t suffice. She could stand here forever with her friends, her family, and never be ready to leave them behind.
Gen pulled her into one more hug and whispered so Ethan couldn’t hear, “Just promise to come back.”
Some part of her knew that she couldn’t promise anything, but she said the words anyway. Even though they both knew they were a lie.
“Lorcan is not going to like this,” Cormac said as he strode up to his side.
“Fuck off,” Declan spat.
Of course Lorcan wasn’t going to be happy. They’d had one job, and here they were. Orla was down, Kierse had gotten away with both of her friends, and Graves hadn’t even needed to stroll in and save the day.
“You’re going to have to tell him.”
Declan glared at Cormac. “Go find Orla and bring her back to the house.”
“I shouldn’t go with you?”
Declan stared at him. “Do I need to repeat myself?”
“No,” Cormac said hastily. “No, I’ll go find Orla.”
Cormac went in search of the missing member of their team, and Declan ran a hand over his face, trying to figure out what the hell he was going to do. He hadn’t worked his way up to Lorcan’s second in command by making this kind of mistake. He was quick and efficient, qualities Lorcan admired in him. He got shit done.