She shrugged. “I wouldn’t have believed him if I hadn’t seen it with my own two eyes.”
“But then is he a kind of monster we don’t know about?” Gen asked, stiffening as she considered this possibility. “Is he not subject to the Monster Treaty?”
“I don’t know,” Kierse said.
“But a representative from each breed of monster stepped forward and signed. It keeps them from killing us—it’s the only thing that keeps us safe.”
Kierse knew the terms of the Treaty. The monsters agreed with the humans that to have a better world, they all had to put their differences aside. The monsters would be subject to human laws, including murder. And humans were forbidden from interfering in monster business unless monsters were in violation of human law. Which meant that a human breaking and entering into a monster’s home, like what Kierse did tonight, could be killed. No questions asked. It gave the monsters more autonomy than most humans were comfortable with, but it was a compromise.
“Honestly, that’s the least of my concerns here.” Kierse stood and paced away from her friends.
“What kind of job is this, Kierse?” Gen asked.
“The dangerous kind,” Kierse said stiffly. “Stealing something very powerful from very bad monsters. The kind that have a following underground.”
Gen gulped. “Oh, Kierse.”
“And money isn’t an object. We can have all the safety and security we need to get out of here after I finish it.”
“Is this about Torra?” Ethan whispered. Gen grasped his hand, shushing him.
Kierse winced. She didn’t talk about Torra, and she certainly wasn’t about to right now.
“He might know more about where I come from,” she said instead of touching the land mine that was her ex-girlfriend.
She knew so little of her past. Her mother had died in childbirth. She’d lived for a short time with her father, but he’d abandoned her at an early age. One day, she’d walked to school, and the next, he was gone. Hardship on the streets erased everything good that remained. She couldn’t even remember his face or the sound of his voice. The memories were just blank.
All she had from them was her necklace.
She’d been left on the streets and learned to fend for herself. Only to be recruited by Jason when he’d found her happily pickpocketing. Then, she was in his thieving guild. She’d honed her talents with him, and she’d repaid his brutality with a knife in his gut. Good riddance.
It just proved that she had already been capable, and her time after her parents left had just honed her into the person she was today. Had her father taught her resilience? Had her mother given her her powers? She had no answers and never knew anyone who could teach her more about herself . . . until now. What happened to her before was lost to time.
But maybe now it wasn’t. She’d just opened her mouth to say exactly that when she heard screams from downstairs.
Corey burst into the room, yelling, “Gang raid!”
“What the hell?” Ethan said in shock.
“Gang raid,” he repeated. “We need to get you the hell out of here! I have to help the girls.” He pressed a firm kiss to Ethan’s lips. “Get out safe.”
“We will,” Ethan said, reaching for him even as Corey was already speeding back out of the attic.
Kierse jumped into action, ushering Ethan and Gen to the fire escape on the back of the building. The whole time, her mind was whirring. A gang attack? Which gang would be stupid enough to attack Colette’s place? The Roulettes scared off most other activity in these parts. There were few gangs who could go up against them.
She didn’t have time to think about it more than that. She needed to get her friends out of the brothel and somewhere safe.
Kierse checked that the coast was clear and then helped Gen out of the window.
“Go,” Gen said irritably. “I can get down.”
“Ethan?” Kierse called as she plunged down the fire escape.
“Coming up the rear.”
She could hear gunshots in the distance and screams from within. She’d lived here for years, and while there had been scuffles with local gangs, disagreements with clientele, and disruptions with new workers, there had never been an actual attack. Her refuge had been raided, and she was furious.
Kierse checked that their escape route was clear before dropping the last few feet onto the sidewalk. Gen dangled her feet below, uncertainly reaching for the ladder. Luckily, she took the fire escape as often as Ethan to avoid seeing her mom. It didn’t make Kierse worry about her any less in this situation as she landed uneasily on her feet. Ethan skipped half the ladder himself, landing with ease beside them.
Besides missions with Kierse, Ethan worked for Colette running errands, delivering messages, and dealing with the Roulettes. He spent most mornings working his body into a sweat, trying to bulk out those long, lean muscles. Kierse had never been as grateful to have him at her side as when they had Gen between them.