With a deep exhale, she held on to Gen and Ethan, knowing now that she could do this. On the next inhale, she breathed in as much air as she could, and with it came the magic.

The energy that had settled onto Ethan’s body snaked its way up, up, up, out of him . . . and into her.

The magic didn’t look like anything to anyone else in the room. Up until that moment, even Kierse hadn’t been able to see it. But suddenly the smell and fire of the magic turned into a soft golden glow across his entire body. Her eyes widened at the new awareness. The sense of it all coming together, just as Graves had said.

As she reached out for that golden glow, she could feel the magic like a rising tide. The magic soaked into her skin and made its way through her body as lilies consumed her and the fire reached for her. Hello, old, familiar friend. It ached. Bit into her like it was trying to snap her bones and leave her in a million little pieces. The pain gripped her, tightened, and twisted. With it came agony and a deep look into the abyss. But she held on. Refused to let go.

There was more magic. So much more.

Kierse wanted to throw up, to empty her stomach and rid herself of this vile coating, but she couldn’t move her hands. Not even if she’d wanted to. They were glued to Ethan’s chest, soaking up every ounce of that golden glow and bringing it into her body. Her eyes burned. They had caught flame. Her hands shook, then her arms, and into her body. A buzzing settled into her ears, and everyone disappeared save for her, Gen, and Ethan.

Time held no meaning. Not in this realm where she was working. Somewhere in the distance, she could hear her friends. Colette had finally arrived. Others, too. Finn and Ronan. They were shouting and trying to hold down the other wolves.

But Kierse couldn’t stop. Not until it was all out of Ethan’s system. Not until he opened his eyes and looked up at her with his beautiful smile.

Not until he lived. Even if she died.

“Almost there,” Gen said softly.

As if she knew how close Kierse was. Intuitive, beautiful Gen.

Then that last tendril of magic curled into Kierse’s fingers. She cradled the bit like a small flame in her hand. Then it flew into her body, and she felt it burrow down deep.

But she wasn’t done. She was suffused with power. It was overwhelming her system, and still there was so much more.

She reached her hand out and grasped Cara’s paw. Kierse dragged the magic out of Cara. She was determined to drain it all into her. Then she could go slo-mo and drop Imani’s magic. But she could only do it once she was completely and totally done. Because she wasn’t sure she’d be able to hit this connection again so soon.

As she tugged on the energy around the wolf’s body, something shifted in Cara. As if she were resisting. Cara thrashed around. Nate was shouting again, trying to get her to stop. Claws dug into her skin, and Kierse screamed.

The pain overwhelmed her. She tried to fight through it and drag more magic toward her. But the feeling wasn’t just the pain from her now-bleeding arm. It was the magic. Her absorption was running out. She couldn’t take anymore. She wasn’t strong enough.

“No,” she whispered, fighting the pain and the magic. “No.”

“Kierse, please.” Gen grasped her around the middle and hauled her backward.

When she lost her touch on Cara, the connection severed and Kierse crumpled against her friend.

Ethan no longer glowed, but Kierse burned as bright as the sun.

“She saved him,” Gen breathed.

The world was spinning. Everyone was in shock, but she couldn’t get any words out. She couldn’t shift into slow motion. She could barely think Graves’s name before the floor reached out for her, welcoming.

And then it all went blissfully dark.

Chapter Fifty

Kierse was in a bed.

It was not as soft as the one she normally woke up in.

Where was she? Everything felt so fuzzy and distant.

She peeled her eyes open and blinked rapidly at the harsh lighting. Her eyes didn’t adjust fast enough, and she sluggishly raised her arm to shield them.

“Ugh,” she groaned.

“Kierse!” a voice gasped.

Kierse recognized that voice. And when she lowered her arm, she saw Gen leaning over her. Gen?

“What . . . what are you doing here?” Kierse asked her.

Gen frowned. “What do you remember?”

She thought back to it, tried to remember, but it was blank. She’d been working with Graves. She’d gone to Third Floor. Talked to Torra. Seen Lorcan. What happened after that? How had she gotten to Gen?

Another face appeared over her. Ethan.

Kierse blinked rapidly. Was she dreaming? “What are you doing here?”