Page 78 of Ryker

Instead, the orange and black beauty flutters away and I lose sight of her amidst the greenery.

“They’re poisonous, did you know that?” Knox slowly approaches from my left side. “They eat milkweed, which has toxins that’s harmful to animals. But the toxins don’t ever hurt the butterfly, so they gobble it up, build an immunity to it, and taste bad to animals that try to eat them.”

I have no idea why Knox is telling me this. “Cool.”

“Yeah. It is. Maybe we all need to take a page outta their book, right? Like, just be toxic. No one will fuck with you if you are and you can flutter around and live your life being just out of everyone’s reach. If someone gets too close, they’ll taste how awful you are and leave you the fuck alone.”

Knox’s hand trembles when he places another piece of fruit on a pedestal. “Hey man. You okay?”

“Of course.” He pulls a what the fuck face on me. “I’m always good, Ry.”

No, he’s not. “You still clean?”

His face contorts with anger. “The fuck kind of question is that? Yes, I’m clean.”

Putting my hands up, I step back. “Just checking, bro. You know how we worry.”

“Well stop. You and D have enough on your minds as it is. I’m not using again. I swear.”

“What’s with the shaky hands then?”

“Too much caffeine.”

I can’t tell if he’s lying or not. “You sure you’re okay?” He looks too thin, especially now that his shirt’s tucked in. “When was the last time you had a decent meal, Knox?”

“Yesterday. Morning.”

Damnit. “Here.” I dig out my earnings from earlier and pull off two twenties. “If you need more, tell me.”

“No, man. I don’t need that.”

“Take it.” I shove it against his chest. “Consider it my early entrance fee to the conservatory.”

Knox shakes his head. “You know that’s never necessary.”

“Yeah, well, eating is. So, get yourself something good and hearty today, understand me?” If he takes this money home and puts it with his paycheck, his pops will find the cash and blow it on blackjack or something. Knox is all I care about in that house and, given how he’s a couple of years younger than me, I feel protective of him like he’s my little brother.

“Thanks, Ry.”

“No problem.” Slapping him on the back, I head out through the employees only area and leave the conservatory, my friend, and my peace of mind behind. The world is awake, hungry, and needy.

And I’ve got what it wants.

“Get on your knees and open wide, Butterfly. It’s time to put your fucking mouth to work.”

Tara sinks down without a word and opens her pretty pink lips and sticks out her tongue. Stroking my dick with one hand, I stick my thumb in her mouth and love how she closes her lips around it.

“Suck,” I say calmly. The flat of her tongue is soft as she sucks me like a pacifier. That’s not something she can do with my dick. It’s too thick for that. “Good girl.” I push my hips forward. “Suck on my balls.”

Tara releases my thumb and goes in for the heavy weights I’m offering. She pulls one into her mouth, making me groan. While she works my balls over, one at a time, I lick my wet thumb.

It’s the closest I’ll get to tasting her saliva because I refuse to kiss her on the mouth. Kissing is for people who care, which I do not.

“You feel so good, Butterfly.” She flutters her eyes open to look up at me. “Now I’m going to face-fuck you, and if you can’t take it, tap my leg. Understand?”

Tara pulls away long enough to say, “Yes, Sir.”

I’m disappointed with how fast she changed from Domme in charge to a little submissive kitten, but I’m also relieved. Looks like she’s a Switch, like me.