“Don’t be. I wasn’t lying when I said it’s what I needed. Getting hate fucked has to be the greatest exorcism ever.”
Her words confuse me. “You saying I exorcized your demons with my dick?”
“Something like that.” She grips my hard cock and wraps her pretty little mouth around my head to suck on it. “You have a really veiny, fat dick.”
“Thanks.” I try to not enjoy what she’s doing to me, but her hot tongue sends goosebumps erupting down my arms and chest. And when she looks up at me with her mouth full and lips stretched with my cock, I shove it in until it hits the back of her throat.
Tara doesn’t grunt or pull back for air. She holds that position, her nostrils flaring as she breathes steadily, until I pull back to give her more air. Then I thrust into it again and repeat the shove, hold, release act over and over until my balls tighten.
“I’m going to come on your tongue. You will show it to me before you swallow.”
She nods and moans her consent while continuing to suck me off.
I fuck her mouth slowly. Carefully. And when she pulls on my balls and makes obscene slurping noises, I give up the fight and finally give into my long-awaited release. Gripping her hair, I tip my head back and empty myself in her mouth, then pull out. “Show me.”
Her jaw drops as she sticks out her tongue. Some of my cum drips out and she catches it in her palm.
“Swallow.” I gently wrap my hand around her throat so I can feel her gulp it down. Then she surprises me by dragging her tongue along her palm and licks the cum off her hand too. Impressive. “You’re such a good fucking girl, not wasting a drop.”
The way she looks up at me like I’m a god, her salvation, her motherfucking master, makes me falter. The way she let me fuck her like a mindless animal also makes me second-guess what kind of woman she is. I thought Tara was a precious little petal, but now I’m beginning to think she’s unbreakable.
Like me.
Jesus. My cock’s hardening again with the image of her body bent in half so I can rail her until her throat’s raw from screaming my name. Hearing her do that earlier, until she passed the fuck out, will forever live rent free in my brain.
I wasn’t Sir. I wasn’t Master. I wasn’t Mr. Hudson.
She screamed Ryker and made it sound like something good. I can’t shake it off. Not her voice echoing in my head, not the way she felt sleeping in my arms, and not the way she’s staring up at me right now with her heavy-lidded eyes, pink swollen lips, and nipples hard as rocks.
I want to cradle the back of Tara’s head and kiss her mouth. I want to confess why I treated her all the ways I did and beg her to let me do some of it again. I want to—
Shit. Time to snap out of it and put space back between us. I can’t afford to lose any more to this woman. “Get dressed, Butterfly. Time to get back to the club.”
Before I change my mind, I leave the room first and get dressed. We don’t speak, but that’s okay. Not every minute has to be filled with noise.
Tara eventually heads over to her desk again and starts stuffing shit into a Birkin bag. “Make an exception for me, and I’ll make one for you.”
“The fuck’s that mean?”
“You can’t run the club and spend the next twenty some days with just me. Besides, you had a literal fire to put out. How much more chaotic can your day get?”
“It was a false alarm fire.”
“Well, that’s good. But you still have a club to run. I know you’re my Dom, but you’re still king of the club, too. You can’t abandon your duties.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying I get it. I’m a businesswoman who cannot let her work slide for some mind-blowing cock. I know what a Butterfly is supposed to do, but make an exception for me.”
“I’ve made plenty already.”
She puts her hands on her hips. “I’ll make you another deal.”
“This is getting old, Tara.”
“So is your hot and cold attitude,” she slings back. “Let’s both adapt and adjust, Mr. Hudson, so the careers we’ve built don’t burn to the ground while we’re fucking each other’s brains out.”
I’m going to regret this, but she has a point. “What is it you want this time?”