Page 25 of Ryker

Waking up every hour, in an unfamiliar bed, in an unfamiliar space, frustrated me all night long. I’ve slept in plenty of hotels and beds that weren’t my own before, but being in the Monarch overnight was surreal. It’s dead quiet in here and the blackout curtains combined with plush bedding keep me in darkness, as if I’m in a big, soft cocoon.

The only light shining is from a small light over by the chaise.

“You’re awake.”

I roll over and barely make out the silhouette of Mr. Hudson. He must press a button on a remote because the curtains slowly open, illuminating the gorgeous suite.

“Sleep well, Butterfly?”

“No.” I sit up and stretch my arms over my head. I’m still naked, and when the sheet falls around my lap, Mr. Hudson gets a superb view of my tits. His jaw clenches and he drops his gaze to the foot of the bed. It hurts my feelings a little. When I shift to get up, he says, “Stay there.”

“I have to use the restroom.”

“You’ll piss when I tell you to. Now stay there.”

As he swaggers over to a closet, I roll out of bed and head for the bathroom.

He can be mad at me for disobeying, I don’t give a fuck. To make it worse, I flip him the bird over my shoulder.

Look, I’m all for being uncomfortable and obeying orders like a good girl, but I haven’t peed since before the ceremony last night and my damn bladder is killing me. Slamming the door shut, I lock it in case he tries to come in.

My heart beats against my ribs as I make my way across the marble tiled floor. It’s cold in here. My nipples harden and I shiver even when sitting on the toilet. After taking care of business, I wash my hands and face and try to get most of last night’s makeup off. Then I brush my teeth with one of the unopened toothbrushes I find in a drawer.

There are a lot of things stocked in here. Gels, lotions, shampoos, and bath salts in large glass canisters, and first aid stuff, too. After finger-combing my hair, I head back out with my head held high. I should take a shower while I’m at it, but something tells me if I don’t hurry back out there, Sir will make me suffer for it.

After stepping one foot outside the bathroom, I know I’ve made a mistake.


Sir stands just outside the door, his mouth cut in a straight, thin line. His glower almost makes me shrink back. “Get on your knees, Butterfly.”

Arching my brow, I defy him. Fuck this man if he thinks he can wake me up and order me around like a goddamn dog. I know he’s supposed to be my “master”, but I refuse to submit to every little thing. And some part of me worries he’s being this cold, controlling, and degrading because he’s mad at me for my stunt last night at the ceremony.

He’ll get over it.

“You’ve already racked up more punishments than your body can handle.” His tone rings with warning bells. “You do not want to piss me off any more than you already have.”

Maybe I do.

Can’t be worse than I’ve already suffered in my miserable life.

In this club, I’m at his mercy. This is his kingdom, and he calls all the shots. I glance up at the camera quickly and he chuckles. “Think you’re being watched, Miss Reed?” He leans in and the heat of his breath sends a shiver down my body when he whispers, “You are.”

You. Are.

Those two little words make me go from defiant to compliant.

Had he threatened me with “no one’s coming in here to save you,” I would have laughed. The Monarch is likely the safest place in the city. Nothing gets past Ryker Hudson and his men. And I know he might be mad at me, but he’d never hurt me unless I wanted him to. Even then, he’d probably deny me.

Instead, he told me what I long to hear.

I’m being watched.

Just like I’d hoped Sir was watching last night when I got myself off, I love that he’s watching me right now. And if he is the only one, and no one else is staring at us from a monitor right now, then I pray this is being recorded so he can rewatch it later.

Leaning into his face, I snap my teeth at him, and keep my satisfaction hidden when his eyes flash with surprise. Lowering onto my hands and knees, I wait until he steps out of my way, then I crawl like a cougar back over to the bed and climb into it.

There’s a spreader bar waiting for me. And a ball gag.