Page 105 of Ryker

“That was your last chance, Miss Reed.” He manipulates my steps as he presses his body to mine, forcing me to walk backwards out of the kitchen. “You should have taken it.”

“I’d rather take you.” We’re in the hallway now, and I have no clue where he’s guiding me.

A smart woman would put distance between herself and this animal. But I’m not smart when it comes to my desires. I’m just a missile seeking its target and my target, from day one of joining the Monarch, has been Ryker.

Our relationship is temporary and volatile. Addictive and unpredictable. Scorching hot and freezing cold.

What’s wrong with me that I love this so much?

I think I’m the real toxic one here.

“You asked what it would take for me to let go and fuck you how I want.” He draws up, using his height over me as a dominating tool. My back hits a door, but I don’t cower. “Do you still want to know?”

“Yes.” Ever since he brutally fucked me in my apartment, I knew he was the right one for me. And if I only have a limited time with him, wasting it being stupid and petty would be a crime. In two weeks, I’ll walk out for good. Tonight, I’m staying.

Eyes darkening, he licks his lips and takes several steps back. “Crawl to me.”

Humiliation and lust war inside me as I sink down onto his hardwood floor. Slightly humiliated, I crawl to him like a dog. My stomach drops even as my pussy clenches when I look up at him and await his next command.

“Such a good girl,” he says, making me wet. “Now beg for my dick.”

Chapter 35


I’m going to Hell.

I have no business being possessive over a Butterfly. She’s a temporary catastrophe in my world, and when her time is up, I’m not sure what I’ll do about it. There’s no repairing the damage she’s done.

Or that I’m about to do.

I meant what I said—she should have walked out of my door, out of my city, and out of my life. That she stayed confuses me. I think she’s spoiling for a fight. I think what happened at brunch has royally fucked with her brain.

I might be wrong, but I believe Tara’s never had a chance to be herself. The way she acted at brunch, her immediate responses and reactions to things. My girl was groomed somehow, I just don’t know for what. It makes me murderous.

She’s a people pleaser like me.

Today, she stuck up for herself and walked away from people who didn’t deserve her. For that, I’m proud. But she’s run into the arms of a monster, seeking comfort. And I’m terrified.

Because I plan to take advantage of it.

I really am a fucking bastard.

And now I have her crawling and begging.

She asked for this. I need to remind myself of that. She wanted me unleashed. She wanted me to let go and fuck her how I want.

This is it. She can call Red any time.

“What’s your color, Tara?”


I hate her humility. I bet Tara’s had to be a lot of things to please others, or to stay on their good side.

I don’t have a good side.

She can be anything she wants with me, and I’ll fucking adore it.