Page 66 of Dead of Summer

“Or maybe…” He kisses my fingers, then lets go of my hand before sinking back onto the bed. “Maybe you just don’t know me that well, hmm?”

“I know you better than you think,” I mutter conspiratorially, and because maybe he’s right about my desire to always get the last word. But I switch my focus instead of trying to argue further with him; my hands drag down his chests until I can hook them under his shirt and pull it upward. He gets with the program and yanks it off over his head, letting me toss it down to the floor beside the bed.

But then I just…look at him. It’s strange to be here, with only his hand on my hip to steady me and his eyes open and not full of his normal predatory vibe. He’s just waiting for me to make a move, and all I can do is shift my hips over his and feel awkward about this whole thing.

“Are you just feeling uncreative tonight?” I ask finally, words snappy like I’m hiding my own confusion. “So you’re wrapping it up as a gift and saying I get to choose?” It’s not that I really believe my words. Honestly, I barely know what I’m saying until they’re out of my mouth.

But Kayde’s eyes narrow ever so slightly, and a less-friendly grin twitches at his lips. “Are you trying to provoke me, baby girl?” he asks teasingly, shifting once more until I feel his knee at my lower back. He must have his foot pressed against the bed, instead of laying flat, though I have no idea. “I’m telling you to take what you want…but if taking what you want is really just taunting me until I take you, then I can do that, no problem.”

The silence stretches out between us as my teeth lock around any treacherous answer I could give.

“Or do you just not know how to take it, hmm?” Kayde purrs, sitting up so we’re pressed flush together. My hands slide from his chest, only to find purchase on his shoulders while he wraps an arm around my hips. “Did none of your boyfriends teach you how to take charge?” I hate the way he goads me on, and the way it makes heat thrum through my veins.

Well, I’d like to hate that part of it, anyway. But in reality it has me squirming and trying to look anywhere but at Kayde, so he won’t see the confusion and anxiety on my face. He’s spot on, after all. The only boyfriend I had sex with was very traditional and certainly would never have let me take charge.

Not that he was particularly good at it, either.

“I don’t think everyone likes their partner taking charge when they’re not good at it,” I point out, wincing internally at the slight bit of self deprecation that I can’t help.

“Then you should’ve just said so, baby. I can teach you how to take what you want. I’ll even be your willing volunteer to practice on.” His words are quiet, though they’re rough as hell around the edges. “But let’s figure out what you want first, hmm? We can start easy tonight. Do you want to ride my cock, Summer? You can push me down on your bed and keep me right here, taking me how it feels good for you instead of for me.”

Fuck, that shouldn’t be so hot.

“Yes.” The word is out of my mouth before I can even think to stop it, or to say something else. Hell, I don’t even hesitate, and my wide eyes remain fixed on his face in the light from my lamp.

“Good girl.” The praise is soft, but no less potent in the way it sends a ripple of heat down my spine. “You want me to walk you through this?”

With my thighs on his hips and his smirk lighting up my nerve endings, it’s really not that difficult to figure out what I need to do to get what I crave from my psychopath. I nod once, then again, more confidently, without looking away from his face.

Because God, I love to see the little expressions twitching across his features when he’s thinking, or preparing for what he’s going to do. “Talk me through it,” I breathe, my attention never wavering.

“If that’s what my baby girl needs from me…then I’ll talk you through anything, Summer. Take off your clothes for me.” It isn’t quite a demand, but I find myself scrambling to comply just the same. Tugging off my shirt is first, and before I can do more than hook my fingers in the waistband of my shorts, Kayde’s hands are running up my sides slowly. Appreciatively.

“Sorry.” He chuckles, though he certainly doesn’t sound sorry. “I just can’t help touching you and getting my hands all over you.” With a flourish, he drops his hands to his chest. “Please proceed.”

“Thanks so much for your blessing,” I deadpan, standing up just long enough to shimmy out of my shorts and drop them onto the floor. “What would I have done without?—”

“Get back on the bed and stop running your mouth, sweetheart.” Kayde’s growl is quick and cool as he shoves his own shorts off and away. It’s hard for me not to look at him—at all of him. He’s perfectly, gloriously tan everywhere, and the only reason I hesitate at the side of my bed, brow raised, is because at heart, I really do enjoy defying him where I can.

“Summer.” His tone is absolutely withering, and he props himself up on his elbows to stare flatly at me. “Darling, get on the bed. Especially if you want to continue our game. If you make me get up, then I’m going to pin you down by your throat and wreck you. You won’t get a say, and the only thing you will be doing is begging me to let you come.”

That, really, shouldn’t be as enticing as it is. He must see it in my face, because he rolls his eyes but can’t help looking pleased with himself. And he doesn’t hide that little arrogance from me as I watch him, arms crossed over my chest like I’m suddenly self conscious.

And, well, maybe I am. This isn’t how things normally go. It’s different to be the one setting the pace, in theory. Though I don’t doubt that his words aren’t an empty threat. If he wants to, or if I take too long, Kayde would have no problem taking control and doing whatever he wants.

Not that it’s ever been a problem.

Sucking in a breath like I’m about to do something a little bit terrifying, I crawl back onto the bed, straddling his hips once more. “This better?” I ask, poised just above his stomach and holding myself up with my knees.

“Not quite,” Kayde muses. “Sit down, baby girl. You’re not perching like a bird.” He jerks my hips down, hard, until I’m sitting flush against his hips. I can feel his cock swelling against my ass, and it takes everything in me not to grind my hips back against him, just to see what he’ll do.

“Your last boyfriend ever have you ride his face?” The purred question nearly makes me choke, and my look must be enough of an answer, because Kayde snorts out a laugh. “Nah, I didn’t think so. Come up here then, Summer.”

“You don’t need to,” I point out, feeling more awkward than I should. Other people do things worse than this.

I just don’t want to be bad at it. Not right now, with Kayde in the room with me.

“I know I don’t need to,” Kayde agrees. “No one ever said I did. Get up here for me. I promise you’ll love it, and if you don’t…” He glances away, looking thoughtful. “Hmm, I don’t know. I’ll do something for you, I’m sure.” He tugs on my thighs, not relenting until I finally lean forward and let him guide my legs further up his sides.