“Niece,” my wife automatically corrects, but we opted not to find out the sex of our little one. “She’s been doing acrobats on my bladder all day long,” Amelia huffs and rubs her swollen belly.
I bring her soft hand to my lips. “Don’t worry, little mermaid. I’ll make you feel all better when we get home.” I wink at her as Sullivan makes fake gagging noises in the background.
“I’m glad you guys could make it.” Sterling rolls his eyes at Sullivan’s antics before leaning over to kiss my wife’s cheek.
“That’s enough.” I hug Amelia close to my side. “You have your own wife to kiss. Keep your lips off of mine.”
“Asshole,” Sterling grumbles, shaking his head as a park employee walks up.
While Sterling deals with whatever issue has cropped up, we follow Sullivan over to the ride entrance. He beams, eyes glinting with excitement. "Wait until you see inside. I’ve got a few surprises lined up.”
Amelia shivers in mock horror. "You always do, Sullivan. I just wish I could ride it.” She glances over at me and glares. While the doctor said she should be perfectly fine with the ride since it doesn’t have any jarring or fast stops, I put my foot down and said hell no. My heavily pregnant wife isn’t going to ride it.
He chuckles, his laugh merging with the distant toll of a ghostly bell. "Well then, shall we?" He gestures toward the entrance of the haunted ride.
As we walk past the line to the VIP entrance, Sullivan’s presence earns us a few curious glances and excited whispers. Outside the heavy black door, I can feel the ride's aura pulsating. There’s something almost alive about it, the way it draws you in, promising both thrill and terror.
“You can wait for us in the control room,” Sullivan tells Amelia. “There are cameras that catch every inch of the ride. Make sure you get all the good shots of your husband shitting his pants.”
“Eloquent, asshole.” I slap him on the back of the head.
“Hey. Leave my hair alone, dickhead.” Sullivan glares at me as my little mermaid looks back and forth between us shaking her head.
Sterling strolls in the door with Adam and asks, “Are we ready to get his show on the road?”
“Let’s get going.” I kiss Amelia before whispering against her ear, “Then we can go home and have our own little Halloween celebration.”
“Hurry up.” She leans up and hisses against my ear, “These pregnancy hormones are no joke. I’m ready to jump your bones right here in front of your brothers and all the staff.”
My cock turns to stone, and I’m glad I decided to wear jeans. At least the heavy denim will hide most of the evidence of what she does to me until I can get her gorgeous little ass home and do something about it.
I end up riding “Stroke of Midnight” three times in order to take in all the different scares along the way. My brother's new haunted attraction is a masterpiece, a labyrinth of shadows and whispers that seem almost too real. He really outdid himself this time.
“Admit it, I scared the fuck out of you,” he boasts as we walk down the darkened hallway toward the control room.
“It was your best ride yet,” Sterling agrees, slapping him on the back as Adam and I follow behind.
We push through the door into the command room, and I forget all about my brothers. I only have eyes for one person. Amelia stands near a console, her brow furrowed in concentration as she watches a camera.
"Hey, baby," I say softly, not wanting to startle her. She looks up, her expression heating up when she sees me.
"Hey, yourself. How was it?"
"Incredible," I admit, stepping closer and pulling her into my arms. "Sullivan's really outdone himself this time."
“Now that the ride is up and running, they don’t need me here. Why don’t we all go out to dinner to celebrate?” Sullivan offers, rubbing his hands together.
I’m opening my mouth to refuse when my wife cuts me off. “We’d love to.” What the fuck is she thinking?
I lean over to whisper in her ear, “Why would you agree to go out?”
“Because I have all kinds of great photos of you guys to share with Sullivan.” She smirks up at me, and the urge to smack her gorgeous ass blasts through me.
I bite down gently on her earlobe before murmuring, “You’re purposely pushing my buttons, aren’t you?”
She slaps her hand across her chest, feigning shock. “Who? Me?”
“Yes, you.” I lightly smack her ass, unconcerned about the people in the room. My brothers have long gotten used to the new me—the man who came alive the second I met my little mermaid. “You keep me on my toes, Mrs. Midnight.”
“It’s a hard job, but someone has to do it.” She snuggles against my side as we follow my brothers and Adam out the door.